Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE007 - Scenario: "Gross" Caterpillar
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CHCECE007 - Scenario: "Gross" Caterpillar

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:43 pm
by veronicanguyen
A child sees a live caterpilla and says "Gross".
1. He might be seeking assistance. What words might you encourage him to use to ask you for help?
My answer is: I will tell him: "you do not sound good" and i will ask him " how is everything going?" .
2. How could you respond positively to his comment?
My answer is: oh look at the caterpillar. It is real. Umm, I really do not know how should I answer this question.
3. Two questions the child might ask me about the experience?
My answer:
- Where does the caterpillar come from?
- What does it eat?
4. One resource might you use to help answer the child's questions in an educational way? Provide details?
My answer: i will use a poster to answer the child questions. I will choose a colorful with funny illustration to show the child.
5. What would i say to encourage the child to tell his stories?
My answer: I will use open-ended questions to encourage him, such as "what else", "what do you think"
6. If a child wants to converse with me but I am busy. What will i do?
My answer: I will tell the child i am busy with smiles and gentle voice and then after finishing what I need to do, I will get back to the child immediately.

I am not sure I am on the right path. Please help. Thanks a lot ladies.

Re: CHCECE007 - Scenario: "Gross" Caterpillar

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 2:16 pm
by Lorina
Yes, your responses are on the right track! Here are some ideas you can add:

4. The poster is a good idea! The life cycle poster of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly will help the child to understand the process the caterpillar goes through From "gross" to "beautiful"! :lol:

6. You would rather try and finish what you're doing quickly or stop what you're doing to attend to the child. You could say "let me put this away and I'll come play with you OR "You can help me finish this then we will play together".

Hope this helps,


Re: CHCECE007 - Scenario: "Gross" Caterpillar

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:51 pm
by veronicanguyen
Hi Lorina, thanks so much for your help.