Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE007 - Maintaining Dignity OF Children When Guiding Behaviour
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CHCECE007 - Maintaining Dignity OF Children When Guiding Behaviour

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:17 pm
by AlliG
Hi everyone, I am struggling with the question how to maintain the dignity and rights of children when guiding their behaviour. So far I have that you always respond to children when redirecting their behaviour with positive gestures and language, staying calm at all times. Never say "you are being naughty or bad", but encouraging children to think about their behaviour and the consequences it could have. Allow children to make choices and decisions.

Re: CHCECE007 - Maintaining Dignity OF Children When Guiding Behaviour

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:37 am
by Lorina
Great strategies you have so far! You shouldn't yell or shame them. Don't talk about their behaviour with others in front of the children, talk to their parents in private if needed, the child shouldn't be labelled as a naughty child, a child with anger issues, a child with adhd etc.

Hope this helps,
