CHCECE007 - Discussing EYLF and It's Relevance
Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:44 pm
Select one of the approved learing frameworks and dicuss its relevance to the role of an educator and education care service provide?
Belonging, being, and becoming is a guide educators and care service providers use for the learning framework. The guide is designed as a tool for educators and service providers that can be refered to, To help develop programs and for the well being of children by implementing the principals and putting them into practices with the 5 learning outcomes.
I have gone thought the belonging, being and becoming guide. And google, but i am stugglingto put into words. Please help thankyou
Belonging, being, and becoming is a guide educators and care service providers use for the learning framework. The guide is designed as a tool for educators and service providers that can be refered to, To help develop programs and for the well being of children by implementing the principals and putting them into practices with the 5 learning outcomes.
I have gone thought the belonging, being and becoming guide. And google, but i am stugglingto put into words. Please help thankyou