CHCECE005 Cert 3 Early Childhood
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:35 pm
I don't understand Scenario 1: Tia, age 7 months started attending the service 2 weeks ago. You have read the enrolment forms with information about Tia’s rest times at home; it says Tia has two (2) naps during the day for approx. 1-2 hours each, one mid-morning at about 9.30 and again later at about 3pm. The information from parents is minimal and states that she goes to sleep easy. However at the service Tia cries and is unsettled for about an hour.
a) What further information do you need to know about Tia’s sleep and rest routine and how
could you attain this to work in partnership with families to provide consistency for Tia?
b) How would you ensure that facilities and equipment used for rest time meet approved standards?
a) What further information do you need to know about Tia’s sleep and rest routine and how
could you attain this to work in partnership with families to provide consistency for Tia?
b) How would you ensure that facilities and equipment used for rest time meet approved standards?