Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCECE001 - Dialogue Between Educator and ESL Parent
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CHCECE001 - Dialogue Between Educator and ESL Parent

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 10:40 pm
by MJ62012
Hi, i'm having trouble with one of my assignment questions and any help would be much appreciated.
I have looked for examples to get a better idea, how i could write this but haven't made much luck finding any to help me. If this was in person it would be easier but writing it makes it a bit difficult.

Q3:Write a short dialogue between yourself and a parent.

a) Dialogue needs to be with a parent who speaks English as their second language.

b) Need to demonstrate through your oral communication techniques support toward an inclusive, respectful interaction.

c) How may you improve your communication skills with parents who speak English as a second language.

Thank You :)

Re: CHCECE001 Develop Cultural Competence

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 10:49 pm
by MJ62012
For c) i would put.
c) How may you improve your communication skills with parents who speak English as a second language.

1.Speak slowly and clearly.
2.Listen and wait for parent to finish speaking.
3.Repeat back what the parent has said to make sure i have a good understanding.
4. Open body language.

Re: CHCECE001 - Dialogue Between Educator and ESL Parent

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 4:35 am
by Lorina
As from what I'm reading with the question you added, you need to write a script between you and a parent who doesn't speak English. So you would ned to write a conversation on what you would say to the parent etc.

Hope this helps,
