Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCCN520C - Parents Arguing Every Night: Child Upset
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CHCCN520C - Parents Arguing Every Night: Child Upset

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:39 pm
by Cindy Nguyen
Hi guys,

I'm having some trouble answering a 'scenarios/discussions' part of my assignment. I will list the questions and include my understandings and answers.

Could you guys please let me know if I'm answering them correctly or if there is anything I need to add or change. Thank you in advance.

Scenario 1
Sian is 5 y.o and expresses concern that her parents are arguing every night. Sian does not want it to continue and has asked you for help.
a) What can you do to support Sian?
Assure him that his parents still love and care about him.

b) Who can you speak to?
Supervisor, his parents

c) How will you handle the situation?
With confidentiality and discretion.

Re: CHCCN520C - Parents Arguing Every Night: Child Upset

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:02 pm
by LindyT
c) How will you handle the situation?
With confidentiality and discretion. Also ask the parents if they would like information on Family Support services. (The centre should have pamphlets available to families.