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CHCCN511A - Training Workshops On OH&S Issues
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:59 pm
by sherry.mcc
Hello, I have to plan a series of four training workshops of 50 minutes each.
I have to write an outcome, list the topics that I will cover, list the references that I will use, list the handouts I will provide. I have done all that.
What I need help with is the outline of each workshop.
Do I put
I will introduce myself and state the name of the workshop "nappy changing" that I am going to do today. I will also be handing out our services policy and procedures for this workshop and other handouts and also a power point presentation as well as hands on strategies e.g. dolls, nappies, wipes, gloves, etc
Is this what they are looking for?
Re: CHCCN511A - Training Workshops On OH&S Issues
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:35 am
by tracy
I have recently completed this assignment. It was a big one!
I looked at all the different OH&S issues that would need to be covered and split them in to 4 different workshops.
Example Workshop 1:
Topics to cover:
Infectious Diseases (assessing, exclusion periods, notifying parents)
Infection Control (hygiene,nappy changing,toileting,handwashing,bodily fluids)
Immunisations(imminisation schedule, children who are not immunised)
Medications (storing,permission notes,administering,medication register)
Emergencies(evacuation prodecures,calling am ambulance,notifying families)
Outcomes - to minimise the spread of infectious diseases by using standard infection control precautions
to ensure the immediate actions in the event of an accident or emergency
to facilitate the effective care and health management of children taking medication byt he safe adminitrating of medication.
I then explore each topic and include handouts (hand wash procedure, nappy changing
procedure. I also included a powerpoint presentation as a summary from the workshop - included the legal requirements of employers and employees of ohs.
Workshop 2
included topics
indoor environment (hazard identifying and reporting, chemical storage, toy safety etc)
Outdoor environement (sun safety, indent and reporting hazards, hazardous plants, snakes ans spiders)
building Maintenance
First Aid (kit and who are the officers)
Workshop 3
Manual Handling
Food prep
child protection
records and policies
It was a huge assignment. For me i just had to explore 1 in depth (workshop1) and the others just give topics and outcomes. There is a lot in info on the net - kidsafe, ohs reg's, ncac, staying healthy in childcare edition4 - make sure you list all your references too.
Hope this helps!
Re: CHCCN511A - Training Workshops On OH&S Issues
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:44 pm
by sherry.mcc
Hi Tracy,
Thank you for your help. I didn't have enough topics in mine and since reading yours I now know what they want so thank you again.