Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHC50908 - Evaluation Tool For Service Delivery
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CHC50908 - Evaluation Tool For Service Delivery

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:37 pm
by tatesd
This task requires you to provide evidence of you ability to facilitate the processes of self-assessment to meet QA, legislative and regulatory requirements.

you are required to document a range of interactions and or experiences that demonstrate competence in each of the descriptors below:
Develop an evaluation tool that examines an aspect of service delivery
Administer an evaluation tool to stakeholders
Analyse an evaluation tool and provide a report to relevant stakeholders
Make recommendations for continuous improvement in relation to an aspect of service delivery

evidence may consist of an anecdote, narrative, evaluation, photographs testimonials or work samples.

create a evidence portfolio summary using the descriptors above and give a description of evidence.

If someone could please help me understand this question as I am really struggling to comprehend it and have no idea where to start.


Re: CHC50908 - Evaluation Tool For Service Delivery

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:49 am
by Lorina
For this you can probably choose a Quality Area from the NQS and using the elements within your chosen Q you can plan the evaluation tool. I am providing you with the following document which provides examples on what types of evidence needs to be gathered for each QA. This should hopefully help with your question:

Guide To The NQS

For example: You could chose QA 2 - Children's Health and Safety. Then using the information in the Guide above you could create your evaluation...

Hope this helps,
