Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHC50113- Supporting children's successful participation
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CHC50113- Supporting children's successful participation

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:53 pm
by bubbler12
Question 1- Collaborative partnership
You are required to provide evidence of how you have worked collaboratively with at least three different families to support their participation in an early childhood education and care service. Within your assessment task you will needs to include
1. An explanation of how communication with the family about the child's learning, interests and development with the family occurred. (you will need to include on example of evidence of your communication)
2. Outline how you developed care strategies in partnership with the family
3. Explain how your collaborative work practices with the three families comply with aspects of Quality Area 6: Collaborative partnerships with families and communities, from the National Quality Standards. Identify at least one standard or element that aligns to the work practices demonstrated for each of the examples, you have provided?
4. Identify at least one policy and procedure that you need to consider when sharing information about about a child. Explain how your work practices align to the policy and procedure you have selected?

Re: CHC50113- Supporting children's successful participation

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:25 pm
by bubbler12
Question 1- Collaborative partnership
You are required to provide evidence of how you have worked collaboratively with at least three different families to support their participation in an early childhood education and care service. Within your assessment task you will needs to include

1. An explanation of how communication with the family about the child's learning, interests and development with the family occurred. (you will need to include on example of evidence of your communication)
2. Outline how you developed care strategies in partnership with the family
3. Explain how your collaborative work practices with the three families comply with aspects of Quality Area 6: Collaborative partnerships with families and communities, from the National Quality Standards. Identify at least one standard or element that aligns to the work practices demonstrated for each of the examples, you have provided?
4. Identify at least one policy and procedure that you need to consider when sharing information about about a child. Explain how your work practices align to the policy and procedure you have selected?

What I have got so far
1. The way I have communicated with the family about their child's learning, interests and development is though the communication books, verbal communication, photography and learning stories.
2. unsure
3. unsure