Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Chc50113
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Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:22 am
by Preeti
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: Assessment
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
Zavart is a real live wire! She always has lots things happening in her life and loves to take on new challenges.this year for the first time she has been assigned to work with another educator in the nursery with children up to 15 months.over the summer break zavart did quite a lot of reading on infant/toddler development and care.she feels she can take up her new role with confidence.soon she learns that working with the infants and toddlers is quite a challenge and that she must be constantly thinking ahead and anticipating the children's the early childhood educator asks zavart to supervise lunch for three toddlers 12-15 months.she is little anxious about managing 3 children at once but doesn't voice her concerns.she put each child in a heigh chair and them their bowl of mashed potatoes.she realise she has forgotten the bibs and the wet washers which are on the table at the other end of room. She can't believe the mess when she turns around. She was gone only a minute!2 children have thrown their bowls onto the floor and the third one is busy wiping vegetables up his arms.
How could zavart has communicated more effectively?
How could educator has communicate effectively ?

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
For educator- she needs to give the all information to zavart about food policy.she should also conform that zavart is understand everything .
For zavart- if she is anxious about managing she must ask to the educator.she can ask for help to the educator.

Description and Message:
Am I on the track or off track? Plz help me. Thanks.

Re: Chc50113

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:52 pm
by Lorina
For educator- remind Zavart on what she needs to collect before feeding the children

For Zavart - ask educator to pass her required items or to watch children

Hope this helps,
