Aussie Childcare Network Forum • inapprotriate behaviour
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inapprotriate behaviour

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 12:58 pm
by harleyssky
Hi I currently work in a preschool with 4 to 5 year old and I have notice a particular child at time displace inappropriate behaviour toward other staff and children and nothing is being done to guide the children behaviour in a more appropriate way. I am wanting to develop a behaviour management plane. and I am wondering how I could identify some long-term and short terms objective for this chid.

does anyone have any ideas on how could long-term and short-term objectives be identified.

identifying the behaviour that is causing concern.
communication and arranging meetings with the parents.
talking with the child
and then analysing the information that has been collect from communicating with the family and child and interpreting the information gathered through background research and observations.

do you think these method are enough to able me to identify the long and short objectives

Re: inapprotriate behaviour

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 3:55 pm
by MarkPowter
Hello Harleyssky!

Welcome to childcare haha Unfortunately we all have to deal with these situations and it is the educators who put the extra effort into assisting these children that are the ones who really care about their job and the future of these children.

If you could highlight some of the behaviors your are seeing that would be a fantastic way of us being able to identify strategies to guide the child. Unfortunately, there is not one 'cure' to behavior problems and as such the plan would be dependent on the behavior being shown.

In saying that, your plan seems very well planned out. Make sure that your first step is well documented and recorded so that when you get to meetings with the parents, you have something to backup your claims. Be prepared as no parent I have ever worked with has liked hearing their child is poorly behaved. When you are speaking with the child regarding the plan, make sure there is a visual display of the steps for punishment so the child can begin to learn the process.

Good luck!