Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Games based around violence in OOSH
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Games based around violence in OOSH

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:12 am
by casey5
just wondering how other servcies cope with children who turn toys especially construction toys (like in our service our knex and clics) into guns and tasers. we dont know how to curve this behaviour and its even played by the boys with our littlest pet shops and during home corner robbing of money etc all the games are based around violence. how do other services cope with this kind of behavior? and what strategies are people using ? has anyone else had a similar experiences over the holidays?

Re: Games based around violence in OOSH

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:44 pm
by Lorina
I think you have to be open and honest and have a discussion with the boys about how violence effects others. Like if they are playing with guns you could talk about how guns hurt people and that they cause harm etc.


Re: Games based around violence in OOSH

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 9:53 am
by hotpies2006
hi there i work with two to three year olds and the boys always in my group use the large blocks to pretend they are shooting guns at each other, i talk to them about how guns hurt people and animals but they just keep doing it everyday running around shooting each other, now with eylf i thought you allow and extend on childrens interest but i dont know what to do with this interest {using guns, being soliders} any advice what or how i could do would be appreciated

Re: Games based around violence in OOSH

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 4:23 pm
by Lorina
It's a little tricky situation you are in. You are right according to EYLF you are supposed to extend on children's interest but in this circumstance I think you'll have to redirect their interests. They are interested in soldiers, army etc., why don’t you borrow some books from the library about other things army and soldiers do. Such as help out others build homes and shelters, navigate across the jungles. I'm sure you could also search for a few sites and print off photos of people in the army and soldiers. Just find something regarding soldiers and army that doesn’t involve violence or using guns.
