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Autism in OOSH
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:47 am
by Cath01
<t>We have a diagnosed autistic 8 year old child at an OOSH service. Can any one give some advice about strategies for smooth transitions. Usually we give 5 minute warnings, play music and encourage before transitioning from one activity to another. The child, especially when outside will refuse to come inside and will walk away, may become aggressive and it is difficult, especially needing to adhere to ratios for staff to stay outside for one child. We cannot stay outside longer during winter as its cold and becoming dark. Any suggestions for smooth transitions?</t>
Re: Autism in OOSH
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 9:48 am
by Valley20
Sounds like you have a great transition system in place for the children. Would the child be willing to go and do a "job" for you prior to the 5 min warnings? Something that would encourage the child to go inside ahead of the others to eliminate the stress of transition for them? If this is not possible due to ratios, perhaps trying a job of some kind during transition that the child could help an educator with? I'd be looking at the child's interests and seeing if you can utilise that to encourage them inside.
Also chatting with the family and consulting the child's therapists (if they currently see any) for strategies may help too. Consistency between oosh and home would be beneficial.