Aussie Childcare Network Forum • 1 year old biter
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1 year old biter

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 9:03 pm
by Darshann14
Hi ,

I have a young lad in our centre who is 1.4 year old and is a biter.
We have completed observations and set up a behaviour type plan to find triggers and suggestions to work with him .
would love some advice as the bites are quite aggressive, always to the face of children, draw blood and break skin at each bite.
there doesn't seem to be any stand out triggers to his biting, he seems to target younger children who tend not to be able to defend them selves.

Parents understandably are very upset and destressed and staff have tried many techniques but nothing seems to be helping. So thought id ask here for some others experiences

Re: 1 year old biter

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 2:36 pm
by AMH
As unfortunate as it is, biting is actually a really normal behaviour for this age group. A lot of the time it's caused by frustration of being unable to communicate their wants or needs. Maybe the other child is in his space or using a toy he wants but he doesn't have the vocabulary to express this. Role modelling and supporting his communication could help and a positive reward system. If he tries to tell the other child to go away or stop what's upsetting him, recognise and reward it.

Re: 1 year old biter

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 6:30 pm
by Nandy84

I can understand that the biting habit of your child bothers you very much. But it is quite normal in this age group. He will be better with time. But till then, you can follow the steps to keep the biting habit in control and also to comfort others who have suffered.

If you see the biting incident, move quickly to the scene and get down to the children's level. Respond to the child who did the biting. Tell him firmly and boldly "No Biting!", "Biting hurts", "You can not hurt anyone! It's wrong".
Respond to the child who was hurt by offering comfort through words and actions: “I'm sorry you are hurting".
Never try to force the two to be together.
Never scold your child or never perform any revengeful attitude toward your child.
Talk to him when your child is free and playing about biting and consequences.
Praise the child in front of others for any good work.
Show him, love, in another aspect except biting.
Clear your stand against biting to your child.
But please remember biting is not absurd in this age. So, do not pressurise him. That will only increase his disliking to obey you. Slowly, with time the habit will subside.

