Responsibilities and Pay
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:48 pm
I am a Diploma educator, am currently attaining my Bachelors in early Education (a bit over half way through) and have worked in child care approximately 9 years part and fulltime ranging from assistant educator to administration assistant to room leader. I attained my Diploma end of 2015, took 2016 off child care and have just come back this year as a 3-5s Room Leader. My employer pays me award 5.4 which from my understanding is above award wage for just a Room Leader. My responsibilities however consist of implementing an educational program, running staff meetings, liaising with the Director about staff rosters, discussing changes needing to be made with Educational Leader, making managerial decisions when approached for guidance by educational leader, ensuring policies are up to date, ensuring centre staff and family policies and procedures are thorough and adequate, distributing newsletters, and managing the day to day runnings of the centre. I'm of the belief that my responsibilities are more that of an Assistant Director/Coordinator. From the above description of my daily/weekly responsibilities are your thoughts similar?
Also, in your opinion should some of these responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the educational leader who is higher trained than me and receives a higher pay?
I am a Diploma educator, am currently attaining my Bachelors in early Education (a bit over half way through) and have worked in child care approximately 9 years part and fulltime ranging from assistant educator to administration assistant to room leader. I attained my Diploma end of 2015, took 2016 off child care and have just come back this year as a 3-5s Room Leader. My employer pays me award 5.4 which from my understanding is above award wage for just a Room Leader. My responsibilities however consist of implementing an educational program, running staff meetings, liaising with the Director about staff rosters, discussing changes needing to be made with Educational Leader, making managerial decisions when approached for guidance by educational leader, ensuring policies are up to date, ensuring centre staff and family policies and procedures are thorough and adequate, distributing newsletters, and managing the day to day runnings of the centre. I'm of the belief that my responsibilities are more that of an Assistant Director/Coordinator. From the above description of my daily/weekly responsibilities are your thoughts similar?
Also, in your opinion should some of these responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the educational leader who is higher trained than me and receives a higher pay?