Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Themes in EYLF
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Themes in EYLF

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 1:03 pm
by Rosie123
Hi everybody,

I run a kindy. It has always been run around themes. The only problem I am thinking with this is it is not really following the childrens interest but more intentional teaching. Some of the mums have been asking about whether we are going to introduce themes or not. What do people think of themes and does EYLF allow for themes.

thanks rosie

Re: Themes in EYLF

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 2:47 pm
by little yellow
Hi Rosie,

Good is what I think, I could be completely wrong so if anyone knows better please correct me.

Ok...say you and some of the children are outside and you come across a lady bug (the children show great interest) you could talk about it's colour, its with the children to find out as much as you can about the lady bug use books, the internet, ask the parents....theres a whole lot you could do and from that you have an INTEREST and a THEME (bugs and insects) you could make this theme into any kind of intentional or child lead teaching from sensory to dramatic.

I hope that makes a little sense and that I am sort of on the right track as this is what I am beginning to do. :) sorry I couldn't be more help.

Re: Themes in EYLF

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 5:01 pm
by Rosie123
Thanks LY

I was thinking along these lines. I have been researching the internet and because themes are planned for they are decided by the teacher. But then if a child is interested in something then we can extend.
If anybody else has more input will be great.


Re: Themes in EYLF

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 7:21 pm
by cathiek
How about asking the children and families what their interests are. I do this and it helps me to see what things children are really interested in & then I can plan activities/work around that. For instance a fair % of my kids are really interested in transport so I have based a lot of the stuff around that. It is not exclusive though, I still get the dolls and other activities out so its not 'all' based on the theme with no room for flexibility or other interests.
I have also learnt from the kids that animals is a big interest - - this has been mainly from me observing them when they are playing - they like farm pretend play so I have planned a farm visit for them. They farm cant come till later in the year but I have earmarked this time to do lots of their activities based around this interest. I really don't think it will be forgotten by then. Thats just how I do it though - everyone is different but I have found that parents & kids really liked having an input.