Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Observations
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Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 8:28 pm
by Jomnw74
I am having trouble finding the right words to use when writing childrens Obs for jottings and obs for portfilos and planning and follow ups.
Will this come over time and experience.Need some help please.

Re: Observations

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 10:10 am
by Lorina
I think one of the easiest ways on finding the right wording to use on obs is to use the language in the Educators Guide to EYLF. So it's always handy to have a copy of it available to you.

There is an Educators Guide to EYLF available to you on this site itself.

Here is the link: Understanding The EYLF
When righting obs you write what you observe. What the child is doing, what they are saying, etc. Write exactly what you see. For the evaluation I always start off with something like "Through this experience it is evident that Nicloe shows/displays.... (then add the learning outcome)". Then using the language used under the sub learning outcome you choose write up what the child is displaying. For follow ups I write " To extend on this follow up I will...".

I recently added formats and samples of child observations on this site itself. From here you can get an idea of what to write. Child observations are in the green box, just click sample to view.

Here is the link: Online Tools

Hope This Helps,

:geek: L.A

Re: Observations

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:37 pm
by LindyT
I found the samples VERY helpful L.A