Aussie Childcare Network Forum • New ECT in the centre!Where do I start?
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New ECT in the centre!Where do I start?

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 6:21 am
by Agata79
I got offered a job as an ECT and I start on Monday! It's my first job as an ECT and I'm a bit stressed :(
They didn't have an ECT for a while in that centre. But I know that have managed to run the Kindergarten program.
Where do I start with all the programming and planning?
I thought I might pre- plan a week and during that week observe children and find out what they interest are. Am I expected to do on the first day?!
I am very excited about my new job but overwhelmed too.
Help please!

Re: New ECT in the centre!Where do I start?

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:46 pm
by Lorina
Congratulations on your new position! :clap:

Yes, as an ECT I would get the ball rolling from day one itself... Obviously since you are new you won't be able to plan based on the interests of the children however this is an opportunity to start some intentional teaching moments to get yourself settled and the children use to you. Have group discussions with children about themselves, about yourself, find out what they enjoy doing, favourite part of the day etc and use these as a starting point. Brainstorm these ideas and document them where families can view...

Throughout the week you may begin to notice interests arising so you can add these onto the curriculum in due course. Introduce yourself to parents and maybe send/email an introductory letter about yourself. It could include your qualifications, your experiences, what your goals are for the children, your expectations, how parents can contact you, etc. It doesn't have to be long, just a friendly hello...

Since your in QLD I'm assuming you have to run the kindy program as well... I have some info if you need it:

For the first couple of weeks get yourself settled, engage with the children, get to know the families and staff and just take it from there...

Hope you enjoy your first week!!

:geek: ,

Re: New ECT in the centre!Where do I start?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 10:09 am
by Agata79
Thank you so much for your wise words!
What a great help this website is!

I was also thinking about putting my name on a label sticker so families get use to it as it is European one:)
I might do the same with children for a few days so it's easier for me to remember all the names.

Thanks again!

Re: New ECT in the centre!Where do I start?

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:51 am
by Lorina
Hi Agata,

I'm more than happy to help and it also makes me happy knowing that you find this site useful to you! :thumbup:

I like your idea for name tags, it will especially help the parents and staff getting to know you.

Are you from overseas? If you are you can teach the children a small song or even a greeting from your language that they could learn during your first week...

Just a reminder that the children may test your boundaries in regards to behaviour to see how far they can test you. Make sure you deal with any inappropriate behaviour from day 1 itself. You can also introduce colour room guidelines. These are basically 5 rules each in a different colour that helps remind the children of the correct behaviour. For example: red can be packing away toys, yellow can be keeping hands to ourselves etc. These guidelines can be typed on each corresponding coloured paper along with a photo and displayed in the room where children can see. It's just a simple strategy to help remind children of what is expected of them...

Let me know how your week goes!

Good luck,


Re: New ECT in the centre!Where do I start?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:45 pm
by Agata79
First week behind me :) It was very busy and eye opening!
We are suppose to be learning through play but we have hardly any resources. So we have been doing lots of crafts and children love it.
I am not sure about the daily routine. I think we are outside to much and having to long inside plays. But not enough group time. What would be appropriate daily routine for kindy kids?

Re: New ECT in the centre!Where do I start?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:25 am
by Lorina
Hi Agata,

How has the start of the second week been... Yes, some centres have limited resources so you will need to be creative with what you have to come up with new experiences for the children. The children must like your craft ideas because it's something new. If they don't already have one, create a collage table/ shelf/area that is permanent in the room for children to create with throughout the day. Provide lots of different materials (pom poms, pipe cleaners, coloured paper, tissue paper, crepe paper, wrapping paper - basically anything you can find), glue, scissors, textas, cardboard boxes etc. It doesn't need to be overflowing with materials as you can rotate them on a weekly basis. This can be used in conjunction with the craft interest the children are showing.

At one of my previous centres (preschool room), I also had a permanent art station set up outdoors. This included paints, thick and thin paintbrushes, rollers, different painting utensils (sticks, toothbrushes, cotton buds, sponges, etc). The materials were set up in wet wipe boxes, with a tray for paper and easel and a small table. The children were taught how to use each item and how to clean up after themselves after finishing. It took a couple of weeks for the children to get used to it but it really worked and they had control on their creativity... This was used in addition to any art experiences that were planned for the day.

You need to balance both indoors and outdoor so children get an equal amount of time playing in both areas. Are you able to make both optional during the day? So, children have an opportunity to choose either one throughout the day? Usually it's good to have a morning group time - short one to discuss the days happenings (after morning tea), a second group time for "teachable moments" before lunch maybe and then another quick one at the end of the day to close the day out (after afternoon tea). I know it seems like many but I think it's necessary... the morning and afternoon one are quickies, it the middle one you have to use as an opportunity to extend the children's learning...

Here is some more info: Group Time With Children In Childcare

I'm sure your settling in and getting to know all the children and their families,

Enjoy your second week,
