Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Is this planning/programming? SO LOST!
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Is this planning/programming? SO LOST!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 9:11 am
by little yellow
Hi everyone,

This was given to me by my coordinator as an example of planning (she said she didn't expect anything this elaborate) however just for me to get an idea. I am so confused. I feel really thick! There is like 12 pages here! Am I expected to do this once a week? Once a month?! My little ones are hardly talking so It's difficult to write what they have said etc If I was to say "what do we know about spiders?" I feel I would be leading their answers...which to me then all feels fake?!

How does everyone else plan for little ones? I have read the info here on programming but am still as confused as ever. Sorry.

My question is, do I pick something someone has shown an interest in and make a whole program on that? and thats what everyone works on for the week? UGH!
Also the daily curriculum plan on that planning?
I literally feel like i'm failing to acheive anything with this.


Re: Is this planning/programming? SO LOST!

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:27 pm
by smith76
I started using a web and then went to the curriculum on here for my planning but now i have gone back to the webbing but i have added the learning areas and just add the learning outcomes as well as adding spontaneous. I have 15mth to 2years. The way i plan is from child interests, parent input. We saw a kookaburra the other day on our roof and from that we painted kookaburra's we sang kookaburra sits in old gum tree we have done bird watching it just continues on until the children are bored or some other great idea comes along.

So i you have spiders you could sing incy wincy spider have a spider book make spiders and then maybe you could go onto other creatures similar to spiders.

if youg get stuck there is another website that can be helpful teaching made easy it has a very simple planning idea similar to the one that your co-odinator but in more depth and has the learning outcomes and principles etc it does cost money to join but i think its worth it

Re: Is this planning/programming? SO LOST!

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 5:17 pm
by little yellow
Thank you so much for you reply! :)

Re: Is this planning/programming? SO LOST!

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:57 pm
by KatG73
I am currently using the curriculum plans available in this site and its working perfect for my centre and my staffs are loving it. I had a look at teaching made easy before and I really dont like how you have to pay $50 per teacher and subscribe for 12 months membership before you can download their printables. I find there are a lot more useful sites around (including this one) where they provide tons of useful info and you dont have to pay to subscribe! Thats my take on it... You can also find worksheets to print in this site itself when you go to printables at the top.

Re: Is this planning/programming? SO LOST!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 4:49 pm
by Lorina
The attachment that you added. It is a good example of how to document and record a learning experience that the children showed an interest in...from the beginning, to what they learnt and experienced. I would say that this attachment supports your programming rather than be a program itself.

I still believe that you would have to use a program plan where you record the overall experiences that the children will be involved in throughout the day which can also include parent and child input. From here if you happen to observe an interest emerging then you can extend on it and document and record the information as is in the attachment.
Also the daily curriculum plan on that planning?

Yes. When reading the EYLF people interpret in their own way, which would also reflect in the style of documentation you use. The thing about EYLF is that there is not "one way" of a programming formular so your free to choose what type of programming you want to use.... 

The programming documentation available on this site is one way of how to program which incorporates the EYLF. It clearly shows why you are adding the activity into your room by using input keys and what learning takes place through each experience by incorporating the learning outcomes.

When programming you need to define the experiences throughout the day... You can't just put a train set in the room randomly there has to be a reason behind it. I believe that the programming available on this site effectively does this and most of all it's very easy to understand. 

:geek: L.A

Re: Is this planning/programming? SO LOST!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 3:48 pm
by grandma
It is still very confusing even to those of us who have been doing this for years. I had a friend ask the other day (she is new to family day care) if someone could set out in detail which templates to use in which order to cover all of EYLF and show how to connect everything. As I am still trying to get my head around some of it I gave her this site to check out. However that gave me food for thought. Maybe someone could come up with a sample of connecting them all together. So many people still have problems in Family day care as we work alone and rely on what ever we can get our hands on. This is more difficult in country areas as we don't have access to workshops etc unless we travel far distances. It would be good to have a set out example for new educators. I have found that different assessors have different ideas which confuses us even more. I love the templates on here and use as many as I can. It is sad when we have so many wonderful people working with children who are giving up because of this confusion. Don't feel that you are LOST on your own.