Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Too old!
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Too old!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:42 am
by Diana
Hi All,
I've been reading this forum for a quite a while,but never posted before. Have found this site to very informative and extremely helpful in getting my cert.111. After raising my own 9 children I decided to go into a career that I absolutely love, doing cert111 and getting all my certificates etc, but when going for jobs I get the impression my age (52) is going against me. I finally got a position in a centre and loved working with the children which was great, until they took on younger relief workers, my hours kept getting less and less until I was only getting one 3hr lunch shift a week, when asking the director why I was informed that she couldn't give me hours that weren't available fair enough but the two new staff were getting 15-20hrs a week. I had joked with one of the new workers that she would be taking my hours as she was a tafe student there and I was showing her how to change nappies etc, I didn't realise how true that would be as soon as her course finished she was employed by the centre. I feel like I was discriminated against due to my age, as I feel that I worked hard and followed all the procedures and policies, didn't complain about the fact my main role seemed to be cleaning and put up working with rude and unfriendly people. All of the staff including the director are young and I wasn't made to feel welcome in the centre even after working there for 5mths. I would have put up with it all though just to be working and caring for the children, but I had to resign as travel to and from the centre was a hour each way for only 3hrs work once a week and it was just not worth it. Sorry for ranting, but it feels good to write it down, anyhow I was just after some opinions on whether I should go ahead and complete my diploma at Tafe this year or do you think I am too old to compete with young people for positions at childcare centres? Any advice would be welcomed. :?

Re: Too old!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:53 pm
by Lorina
Hi Diana, 

I'm sorry to hear that you haven't had a good experience at your centre. I'm 26 and at my last centre my assistant in the room with me was in her early 60s and she was great!

The point is I don't think you're old at all however I do think that the centre you were employed at didn't value you... Sometimes all these youngsters prefer to all work together... Young staff, young directors most of the time they have no idea what they are doing anyway! At some centres the staff are all just out of high school, so immature and you think "that's who is looking after the children". 

Go ahead and do your diploma! We need more staff like you, who has experience, dedicated and willing to share their knowledge and is mature! Once you complete your diploma you will be in a higher position and you won't have to do crappy jobs and you'll be able to run your own room...

Cheers :geek:,

Re: Too old!

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:26 pm
by Diana
Thanks L.A.
Appreciate your encouragement, I think I will do my diploma whilst looking for another position, hopefully there is some centres around that won't discriminate against me for my age. Though ancient I still feel like I am in my 20's(with 30yrs experience) and can contribute to society!! I don't mind doing the crappy jobs as long as I get to work with the children as well and get treated fairly.
:roll: Diana

Re: Too old!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:11 am
by debzo
Hi Diana

I have a similar story to you: lots of children in my own life, marriage break-up and went into childcare because it was the only experience that I had that anyone was interested in. I'm 52 years old as well. I have had a different experience in childcare though. I was valued very quickly and put into a Group Leader position after working for a centre part-time for only 6 weeks and only just agreeing to do my dip. I studied for my diploma and got it while working full-time as a group leader in less than a year. It was a hard slog but worth it because now I have a lot more options. I think this goes to show that centres are different and some definitely do value maturity, especially with in the Nurseries.

Here are some tips:- Don't take just any job, it's clear from reading this forum that some centres are nightmares. Be selective and make sure at least the director of the centre has some maturity.
- If there are a lot of young girls don't try and fit in straight away, just be pleasant, do your work well, be reliable and work on building a good relationship with the director. If you're smart you will soon figure out the lie of the land and you can ease your way in.

This might sound like strange advice but that's what I did when I went into that first GL role and got promoted over the top of a whole lot of girls that had been there longer than me. You often find that there is a whole lot of nonsense going on and you just have to rise above it and float to the top.

Re: Too old!

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:14 pm
by dulciean
Hi Diana
Thank you for posting, I think this might be a bigger issue than many people know! I am 40 this year, and I am made to feel ancient by the younger staff... Seems the generation gaps are getting wider! I agree - go on and get your Diploma as this is the way forward as the industry standards keep shifting. I have worked in and out of the industry over the last 20 years, and feel that the assistant roles are definitely going to younger workers, being that the wages are lower etc. I managed to complete over half my Diploma last year whilst working full-time, and now I am in between jobs I hope to get it completed in the next 3 months. I also some times get the impression that I should be doing something 'more' than being a Cert III assistant at this age/ stage of life, often this idea is cast by 20 - something's fresh out of Uni with double degrees, plonked in Director positions with zilch industry experience. But once again, that's a generational thing! Hang in there, there is certainly a place for you in Early Childhood- the enthusiasm of youth needs to be balanced with the wisdom of age/ experience!

Re: Too old!

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:27 pm
by fchaudari76
I think you need to find a centre that will appreciate your age and the experience that comes with it.
The centre I work with has a mix of ages ranging from students, youngsters just out of school to those who are in their 40's & 50's
You need to be where you are valued and if you are not getting the hours and respect where you are, start job hunting.
I'm 37 & sometimes I feel so old surrounded by girls in their teens and early 20's discussing clubbing and their weekend social events and getting 'drunk' and doing all those things that us oldies are just beyond !!!!

Re: Too old!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:06 pm
by Diana
Thanks all for your encouragement and advice. It is a pity you don't work in childcare centres where I am trying to get employment as you seem so nice and supportive. :giggle: I am now enrolled in TAFE to do my diploma, I am concentrating on getting it done as soon as possible. Hopefully it will improve my chances of getting work, I am going to have to find a centre to do my practs in, so maybe volunteer work might lead to something, although ideally I want paid employment. I have applied numerous times to the big franchises (Goodstart and Stepping Stone etc) online, but I never hear back from them, has anyone else had this problem? In the area where I live the franchises seem to have the monopoly and the only way to apply seems to be through their website. Once again thanks for your input, cheers Diana :)

Re: Too old!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:20 pm
by fchaudari76
Yes unfortunately the big "chain" centres all have HR depts and everything is online! however nothing is stopping you from picking up the phone and calling them. Ask to speak to someone about employment and if you get fobbed off and asked to apply through their website say you would like to speak to someone to get advice and discuss your options.
You can always go into the centres and ask if you could leave a copy of your CV with them in case something came up. They may take it or may not but no harm in asking. Means if something comes up they may just say to HR they have a CV already.

Sometimes it is worth seeking out smaller pvt places and going in and speaking to them and handing in your CV. On your CV make sure you put that you are doing your diploma and when u expect to finish.

I had my CV & cover letter professionally written about 5 yrs ago and since I have just added my employments i have been in since myself...and I can tell you it has made a difference. I have never applied for a position and not been through to an interview & have had people tell me how impressive my CV is....was the best $200-300 I have ever spent I can tell you.

Don't give up... there are places that will want you you just need to find them!

Re: Too old!

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:18 am
by suzej
Hi Diana,
So very sad for you, the children and the center that you are having difficulties finding a position. All I can suggest is hang in there , do your diploma and when applying for positions, sell yourself. You have valuable experience as a mother.
I Moved to a city when I was 58 and was so worried I could not get a job in childcare. However age was not a problem at all. I got a great job, was older than everyone and worked with so many young ones from 18 to 24. We got on well, although I kept away from the lunch room at times, ( their retelling of weekend escapades bothered me) . I recently had to relocate again . Being almost 65 my concern was huge. I applied for all the jobs that were available, including the larger operations, hoping I at least got an interview. Four job offers later I am again working in childcare, in a large franchise. Staff were more reticent than my last center, but slowly I am breaking down the age barriers, as they realize, I do my job and do not slack off because of my age, I do not criticize or condone their out of work hours , I listen to what they have to say and subtlety offer suggestions .
Keep studying and trying, you will succeed.


Re: Too old!

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:18 am
If all else fails and you believe you are being discriminated against due to age go to FAIR WORK...if you have had no councellings for poor work performance etc then they have no right to over look you based on age and what is usualy the case...being able to pay cheaper wages..Good Luck with your Diploma and if you lived here there are many cenres who would hire a senior staff person over a young inexperienced one. :)

Re: Too old!

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:37 am
by dulciean
Hi chiming in in this topic again
You know what? I did some reading and its not compulsory to put your age/ DOB on your Résumé, so I am actually going to omit this piece of information and see what happens.Funny story- at an interview recently the Director was reading my résumé and said " you didn't put your age on here" I was surprised- and pointed out my DOB ( I was born in the dark ages- 1973) I said" oh my date of birth is there" she said " but how OLD are you?" I replied.." Ummm 39." Her eyebrows shot up "39!you are 39 ?! You don't look it" but it was derogatory not complimentary. I bit my tongue- so wanted to remark " so maths is not your strong point?!"
Haha it's obvious- I left high school in 1990 and have worked in Services since the mid-90's. ironically, I did some casual work for them, then was told they had decided to hire a trainee after all. Sigh... I refuse to believe I am obsolete at 39 . And I am convinced that 90% of centres are discriminating against my age. :thumbdown