Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Staying healthy while working in childcare
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Staying healthy while working in childcare

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:00 pm
by megs_95
I'm about to be taken on as a Cert III trainee, and the centre director advised me that I'd likely get sick in my first year of childcare and should do my best to prevent it. I also spoke to the previous trainee at the centre, who said she spent most of the year with a cold.

Outside of the big things that prevent illness - immunization and proper hygiene at work - what do you do to stay healthy? Vitamins, diet, exercise, etc?

Thanks :) (from a newbie!)

Re: Staying healthy while working in childcare

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:23 am
by law92

Yes expect to have a cold for most of the first year, and you will likely pick up any other conditions going around the centre, such as vomiting, diaborrea, etc its pretty awful. To try and fight the colds, take vitamin c, garlic and horseradish tablets by natures own it will really help. Other than that just try to eat healthily. But after a few years of working in child care, you will build up an immunity to all the sicknesses that go around. Good luck!

Re: Staying healthy while working in childcare

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:26 am
by Lorina
Yep the first year of starting in childcare is pretty full on and your immunity system really gets put to the test. There are a lot of things you can do (such as exercise and eat healthy), things to take (multivitamins, flu shots) but in the end unfortunately these wont prevent you from getting sick, just boosts your immunity to help you deal with it. One of the best ways to help stop the spread of germs is to remember to wash your hands. You will be washing your hands constantly throughout the day and that's one way to stop germs from spreading.

The reason why you get sick is because the children. Even though parents aren't supposed to bring sick children into care they still do and when that happens you will easily catch a cold. Be prepared to get coughed on, sneezed on, thrown up on (sometimes), be covered in boogers etc. They are only little so they don't know to cover their mouth while coughing or sneezing or even use a tissue to wipe their nose.

The longer you work in childcare the more immune you will be to it... So for now, I guess try and prevent it as much as possible but if it happens it happens...

Keep Well,


Re: Staying healthy while working in childcare

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:46 am
by LucindaArgyle
I think it's good for you to start from child care or any aged home because all this gives you a better experience to understand the patients need. All these things are more important when all this matters comes to your professional life.