Aussie Childcare Network Forum • please help!! this is depressing me
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please help!! this is depressing me

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:36 pm
by peaches123
hi ladies
ive started working in a small centre a few months ago. Firstable, the boss told me to start the learning stories and portfolios form march as the centre was very new, not many children and wait until it picks up. So as we are severely understaffed in the months ( the centre just filled up fast) I took on most of the LS as the other staff didn't know how to do them.

now fast forward to June. I have kept up most. Howvere I have only taken 2 learning storys for each child. I think this is sufficient?

now last week she told me that that portfolos need to be done. I have started mine and up to date but another staff member who I have to tell time and time again " where is yours?" npo response. She isn't even done many LS and obs to date. Im really sick of this. So I told my boss who said to me its upto me to make sure she does them. How can I when she just answers me everytime the same answer? I don't have time for them and no im not up to date"
this is putting me in the red. and im fed up.

Now I decided to do ALL the portfolios.

I had to buy a printer as the boss wont supply one for us. She told me I can claim it back on tax. Also 90% of resources ( paper, ink, craft items, textas, glue and other bit and pieces) have to come out of my pocket. I cannot afford this.
I think its really unfair that she was angry about everyones portfolios and LS when she dosent even supply us thr materials to do them. Also the time. There is no off the floor time and doing a 4 hour shift each day ( im part time) dosent really allow for this esp since im in the babies room and that's understaffed.

she said to m,e, how come you couldn't do it, there is a lady here that has 4 kids works fulltime and she is been here a month and she has done ALL obs since May. I was really peeved. I have a 9 month old, and a working partner whos isn't home much. Most of my time is annoyed by my baby while I try to do my work at home. Im thinking to leave.

so sorry this is so long and maybe all over the place but,
can she say this is to me and expect me to do all the work at home?
also what about them not suppling the printer etc, if they want the portfolios so beautiful shouldn't they supply me the stuff? I was printing everything at the library costing ME money before I went and bought a printer. Now its using all the ink up.

advice please!!!!!

Re: please help!! this is depressing me

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:19 am
by Lorina
Ok, first thing learning stories is only one type of documentation that can be used to document children's learning. It doesn't have to be the one and only way. Since you have already done 2 per child then next month instead of doing another learning story you could do a photo observation which is simple or an observation based on one of the learning outcomes. You can get some examples here: ... plates.php

Learning stories are long and detailed and you don’t need to do them all the time. So, try a different method to make it easier on yourself.

Your boss mentioned that it's up to you to get the staff member to do her portfolios, learning stories etc. Why? Isn't your boss the one that's supposed to follow up on this? If you are still getting nowhere with this staff member sit down and go through the portfolios and obs with her. Make up a weekly time table where she can do them and tell her at the end of the week you will have a look to see if she needs any help.

Do NOT make yourself do all the portfolios that's just crazy. Look how much stress you're under already. Just because this staff member can't take responsibility it doesn't mean you have to do them. Maybe that's why she can't be bothered because she knows you will do it in the end. Tell her that she is required to do her fair share and that you will help but not do the work as you have already got your hands full.

STOP buying resources that you can't afford. A job is supposed to support you and your family not make it harder for you financially. Work with what you have. If the portfolios aren't pretty so be it. It's not your fault that you haven't been supplied with the necessary materials and also it's the writing that's important not how nice it looks.

You are already doing more than you're fair share and you are only working part time! Where is the full time staff? Where is the room leader? Since you're only part time why are you the one responsible for all this??

Getting compared to another staff member is the worst. You are obviously trying your hardest and this doesn't help you at all. No you shouldn’t take the work home unless you are paid for it!!

Honestly in my opinion I think you should leave. I think your director and other staff are taking advantage of you. You only are working part time and yet I don't understand why you have to do so much. Yes, you can assist and support but not have to do everything, that's why you're part time.

Listen your baby needs you. I know it's frustrating when you're trying to get things done and your baby is crying and wanting attention but that's what they need. You need to focus on your baby. When you're with your baby nothing else matters. They are your number one priority.

This job is stressing you out, affecting your personal life, your parenting, your baby and you! Enough is enough and I think that you should find a centre that allows you to work part time and then go home stress free.

Take care of your baby and find somewhere else,


Re: please help!! this is depressing me

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:41 pm
by Educationiskey22
I feel sorry for you :( that's a really heavy load you have to take on without any support from co workers. I'm so passionate about children but unfortunately in this profession there is ALOT of un-motivate and un-educated staff. Head up! Hard work never goes unnoticed and pays off! ☺️

Re: please help!! this is depressing me

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:41 pm
by NorthLight36
You're being asked to do far too much with no reward. Talk to your boss and tell her firmly that unless you're paid back for the resources needed for the portfolios, you won't continue to make them as fancy and pretty as the boss desires. Also make it clear that your co-worker isn't pulling her weight and you're having to do her work on top of your own.

If you're uneasy about confronting your boss, consider contacting the union. This sort of situation is what they're there for.

Re: please help!! this is depressing me

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:44 pm
by peaches123
Thanks ladies. I do my best considering I am just part time a few days a week. Everything seems to go wrong when I'm not there last week 3 parents threaten to pull their kids out because 2 of those children hadn't had a nappy change all day! Can you believe that I don't know how the staff didn't remember the child? I had 2 weeks off as my son was sick.

Also she isn't paying the correct amount. She will pay for 15 hours a week only and hen any other time over is time in leiu, fortnight I did 18 hours overtime no pay- talk about angry! I'm a diploma one year and getting $21 an hour she offered me $19 when I had the interview but I said I won't work for less than 21.70 per hour- as that's what I was getting at g8

Cheap cheap bastards really everything is done on the cheap! As soon as I find another job that let's me work part time ( impossible!) 'I'll give them the bird and leave