Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Allegation
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Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:45 pm
by davros
A friend of my wife's, for whom english is a second language, has had an allegation made against her in her early childcare job. The employer is refusing to tell her what the allegation is, and they have not informed her what the process is. She has asked for my help.
I am a retired schoolteacher and this is not how a school would respond to such an incident so I wonder if I can get some advice of what I can tell her.
She thinks that the allegation is to do with changing a child's nappy, (although a nappy wasn't changed) she lifted a child onto and off a change table.
It is causing her enormous stress and she has not worked for 3 weeks - she has a child of her own and a mortgage and obviously needs an income.
she was working with an agency, not directly for an Early Childhood centre.
Can anyone tell me:
Are they required to tell her what the allegation is?
Can she find a job with another Early childhood centre while the process is ongoing?
The contact that she has is simply not answering any questions, who can she go to to get some answers?

Re: Allegation

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 12:46 pm
by Lorina

I'm sorry to hear that your friend is going through a difficult time.

If an allegation is made against an Educator, yes the employer has to tell her what allegation is made against them for them to be heard and to inform their side of the story.

If she hasn't worked for 3 weeks what allegation is the centre referring to?

Since your friend works for an agency, she should probably inform the agency about the situation so they can talk to the employer.

Has the centre filed an official complaint? They need to inform your friends so they have an official document of what happened.

Please tell your friend to email me so I can give her advice and provide more information.

My email:


Re: Allegation

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:57 pm
by davros
Hi Lorina,
"If she hasn't worked for 3 weeks what allegation is the centre referring to?"
She hasn't worked since the allegation, it's actually been 8 weeks.

"Since your friend works for an agency, she should probably inform the agency about the situation so they can talk to the employer."
The agency knows and doesn't seem to have helped her.

"Has the centre filed an official complaint? They need to inform your friends so they have an official document of what happened."
They won't asnwer any questions.

I will pass your email on to her. You may have trouble understanding her written english, you can cc me and I can assist if needed and also if needed, my wife (who is from the same country) can translate.

Re: Allegation

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:44 pm
by Lorina
Awaiting her email so I can try and assist her.
