Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Trying to get a job/traineeship in childcare
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Trying to get a job/traineeship in childcare

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:39 pm
by HerHeartSkips
Hi everyone,
I am just looking for a little guidance here if possible. I'm 29 (30 in May) and would desperately love to get a job in childcare, maybe as a traineeship. I currently work in retail and have done for several years now but when it comes to my resume I'm just not sure how to express my desire to work in childcare. I've never worked in a childcare centre berfore and have no previous experience in the industry. What can I put on my resume to help me get a foot in the door and score my dream job? Please help!

Thanks for reading :)

Re: Trying to get a job/traineeship in childcare

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:25 pm
by Danielle
Hey MiMi
guess what, I'm a bit like you
but you have alot more experience than me.
With my resume it shows that I have no experience with children
at all... Not just with work history but also with my personal life.
I've never done baby sitting or had any siblings to be responsible for except for
only quiet recently because I wanted to give child care ago, I was upfront with the people...
I called or emailed letting them know this.
I have done one day of volunteering for a childcare center that was
going to give me a traineeship that I would get after 2 years. (traineeship
is usually received after 12 months)
I found it to be also alot of hard work so to the people out there who are
in this field, they definitely
have my respect. I found it harder than mowing a lawn :P
But I want to give it another go.

I don't know if you have any children if so you may be more familiar to what it's like.
It will either be for you or it wont be but the traineeship is to train you, to give you
that experience. True experience is an advantage but what they want is someone
who is willing to learn and if you want it, you'll get it. :)

Just look up on the internet traineeships certificate 3 in children's services if that's
the traineeship you're looking for and see what centers come up.
You can even just type in Child care centres and get their contact number, call them saying
you are interested in doing that traineeship and you are wondering if there is one available.
Sometimes they are already training someone and can't take you, you can always
go onto the next place you can find. If you're in Australia you can try Job Search
and register with them and there's a section where it says New Jobs, and something similar to Australian apprenticeships , click the apprenticeships one and you could very well come across
a traineeship for child care. :)