Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Setting Up A Kindy For 3 Year Olds
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Setting Up A Kindy For 3 Year Olds

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:12 pm
by lanig
We are looking at expanding our service to include a 3 year old kinder.
I am interested in knowing how your three year old programs are structured and ran.
Ie. What are your hours?
How is the day structured and programmed? What does a typical day look like?
What are your goals and aims?
In your personal opinion is a three year old program effective and why?

any input you may have will be appreciated, thanks

Re: Setting Up A Kindy For 3 Year Olds

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:19 pm
by Lorina
So I take it you want to set up a preschool for 3 year olds and above? Like a school readiness program? Is that what you are after? Information on setting up a preschool? Having experiences available to prepare them for school? Just wanting more information so I know what to advise you...
