Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Investigation - Opinions On Males in Child Care
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Investigation - Opinions On Males in Child Care

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 3:17 pm
by Mozzmachelli96
I am a year 12 student studying child care. For my major investergation I am looking into male child care workers and how they are treated differently compared to females workers. What are peoples opinions on male workers and how do you think that child care centers could change so males are able to work within this industry :)

Also does anyone know how many males (statistic) are working within the industry

Thanks Isabella :) :wave: :wave: :wave:

Re: Males in Child Care

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 5:19 pm
by fchaudari76
Personally I believe there should be more males in childcare, however I also understand why there are not. Sadly males in this line of work are not often treated how women are and are often mistrusted and not valued by parents.

Centres need to employ more males, again its a double edged sword as in all the time I have advertised and employed staff I have may be had 1-2 males send in their CV, so comparatively there are so few males in this line of work that usually jobs are given to females as there are just more to choose from.

Ive worked along side and with some amazing male educators and in this day and age where we find many children lacking a father or male figure in their lives these men provide that.

Some articles worth reading that may help you - ... 7066583231 ... e-article/ ... ucator.pdf ... bout_male/

Hope this may be worth looking through the thread here that was about males in childcare to give you more of a perspective

Re: Investigation - Opinions On Males in Child Care

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:41 am
by Lorina
Here are a few topics on males working in childcare that have been discussed on the forum:

Men In Childcare - My Experiences
Males In Childcare

There is also another member doing similar research to you. Maybe you can contact him to share information:

Male Educators In Childcare

Hope this helps,
