Becoming an ECT
Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:22 pm
I want to have a career change
I was wondering if you can help me work out the best way of becoming a qualified ECT or a Childcare Educator for my situation.
I have a bachelor degree (B. Arts) as well as a grad diploma and have work as an English (ESOL)teacher at TAFE for the last 10 years.
I would like to change my career and ultimately work in a preschool setting as an ECT.
So far I have been exploring the option of doing a Master of Teaching (birth to 5) at Maquarie Uni next year since it's the next step up in terms of progression
from my grad diploma.
I am a bit nervous of the workload and difficulty of the course as I have 2 small children and will have to work at TAFE for at least a day due to finacial reasons. It's a 2 year full time course and I plan to enrol as a full time student.
I have a Cert III in children's services from 15 years ago and have only worked in a centre at that time for a few months (as a Room Leader). I'm unsure if I can work in child care with that qualification as it's so old, so while studying the Masters I don't think I can tap into the industry until prac time. I would like to find some work before then.
So in light of this, I am considering a diploma traineeship/enrolling in Diploma or enrolling in a bachelor degree of Ealy Childhood and see if I can find some work after a semester.
My questions are
1) Should I consider these options at all?
2)Will they offer me an "easier" transition and get me working in the indusrty earlier than the Masters degree? I know the wage difference has a lot to do with my desicion making but i also feel like if I commit to a Masters and find it too overwhelming I may never finish it.
3) How important or valuable is it to work in the industry as you study?
4) Has anyone done the Master of Teaching (birth to 5) at Maquarie Uni and is is willing to share their experience?
Thank you in advance
I want to have a career change
I was wondering if you can help me work out the best way of becoming a qualified ECT or a Childcare Educator for my situation.
I have a bachelor degree (B. Arts) as well as a grad diploma and have work as an English (ESOL)teacher at TAFE for the last 10 years.
I would like to change my career and ultimately work in a preschool setting as an ECT.
So far I have been exploring the option of doing a Master of Teaching (birth to 5) at Maquarie Uni next year since it's the next step up in terms of progression
from my grad diploma.
I am a bit nervous of the workload and difficulty of the course as I have 2 small children and will have to work at TAFE for at least a day due to finacial reasons. It's a 2 year full time course and I plan to enrol as a full time student.
I have a Cert III in children's services from 15 years ago and have only worked in a centre at that time for a few months (as a Room Leader). I'm unsure if I can work in child care with that qualification as it's so old, so while studying the Masters I don't think I can tap into the industry until prac time. I would like to find some work before then.
So in light of this, I am considering a diploma traineeship/enrolling in Diploma or enrolling in a bachelor degree of Ealy Childhood and see if I can find some work after a semester.
My questions are
1) Should I consider these options at all?
2)Will they offer me an "easier" transition and get me working in the indusrty earlier than the Masters degree? I know the wage difference has a lot to do with my desicion making but i also feel like if I commit to a Masters and find it too overwhelming I may never finish it.
3) How important or valuable is it to work in the industry as you study?
4) Has anyone done the Master of Teaching (birth to 5) at Maquarie Uni and is is willing to share their experience?
Thank you in advance