Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Studying Cert 3 at TAFE - Having trouble in class
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Studying Cert 3 at TAFE - Having trouble in class

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:58 pm
by melbennett
Hey guys, I'm new here.... I'm currently studying my Cert III at Tafe, in Adelaide.

I just need a bit of advice on a couple of things, if you guys could help.

I'll start with a little background, to help things out. I'm 27, I've just returned to study, after 13 years (I left school at 14). I also have Bipolar Disorder, which is managed incredibly well by medication.

So I'm absolutely loving the course, I'm loving studying again (especially because it's something that I really love), and it's been great....

Except for the fact that there's a girl in the course who is bullying me. It's really subtle things, like mimicking a few of my tics (I nod my head when I'm listening to my lecturers or reading, I tap my fingers in four beat cycles when I'm nervous) or making little remarks about my clothes/hair/jewellery.

I spoke to my lecturer and course coordinator about it, and she organised a mediation meeting between us, but the girl who is bullying me managed to turn it around, and make me feel guilty. And since then, she has just become a lot sneakier about how she bullies me. Now she'll wait until the lecturer is out of the room and mimic me or when we're on break she'll walk past and make nasty comments.

I don't feel comfortable enough to approach my lecturer again, because the other girl is only 19, and I feel as though I should be able to handle it, without running to my lecturer.

Does anybody have any advice about what I should do???

Thanks guys.

Re: Advice...... Please!!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:57 pm
by Lorina
Hi There,

I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this.

It's unbelievable that people can be so childish, mean and inconsiderate, especially the younger ones.

Seems like a silly question but have you tried ignoring her mimics. Maybe she does it because she knows she can get a reaction from you. If you just let her be maybe she will get bored and leave you alone.

Have you tried asking her what her problem is? Confronting her face to face and asking her why she does it to you?

Does she do this to any others in the class?

Don't worry I'm sure we can work something out!

Keep your head held up high and be confident! Don't let this loser put you down!


Re: Studying Cert 3 at TAFE - Having trouble in class

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:21 pm
by melbennett
Thanks for replying so quickly. I really appreciate it.

I've tried ignoring the mimicking, which just makes the things she says to me become even more cruel, so it's a lose lose situation.

I've tried talking to her, I've tried being nice, I even paired up with her in my PR301 class on Friday, to set up a play experience, in an effort to make friends.

When we had our mediation, she began to cry, telling our lecturer how she mimics me, as it's something she does to people she likes, which made it look like a minor misunderstanding.

I even walked away from the meeting feeling guilty for misjudging her.

Since then, it has just gotten worse.

She very rarely says or does anything noticeable in front of anybody, and when she does, it's so subtle, that most people don't notice.

Thanks heaps.


Re: Studying Cert 3 at TAFE - Having trouble in class

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:52 pm
by fchaudari76
Pains me to think someone who can do something like this at the age of 19 is studying to be a role model for young children.
If you can just keep ignoring her, once you are done with the study it is unlikely you will see her again, if she is that immature she will soon be put in her place once she enters the workplace where being "young and cool" etc means and does nothing for you.
Personally if it were me I would like go up to her and ask what her problem is. She is probably intimidated by your age & is just picking at anything to put you off.
Worse case scenario if it continues I would give it to your study provider in writing. Bullying is a serious issue and if you do give it to them in writing make sure you keep a copy of what you give them for yourself and hand it in personally so there is no claim of them not getting an email or letter by post.

Re: Studying Cert 3 at TAFE - Having trouble in class

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:34 pm
by SierrasMumma
I have found in situations like this being nice pisses people off more. So if her comments are getting nastier its a good chance your getting to her and she is trying harder to get a reaction from you. If she mimics you again, trying smiling and waving at her. If she talks about you outside of class think of it as "im that important to her she cant keep me out of her head" Rather than regarding anything she has said. Try turning anything negative she is doing into a positive.

Re: Studying Cert 3 at TAFE - Having trouble in class

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:42 pm
by Kaz
How are things going for you????

I can't believe that a adult is doing this, what a losser she must be, no really.
My guess is this other person has not been around ppl with any form or disablity, sad really to think she is bullying you like this and studying childcare. poor kids at the centre she does prac or works in...

My advice is like the others as hard as it is let her have her words, if she see's it gets to you she'll keep going, when you don't let it get to you she'll go harder but will give up. You can always talk to the head of your studies again and if it keeps going go higher again. This is not on in this day and age.