Aussie Childcare Network Forum • PREGNANCY & PLACEMENT
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Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:34 pm
by mellis77
hi guys..

im starting the Cert 3 on 24th Sept.

I am starting trying to conceive next week.
I was just wondering if finding placements and doing the Cert 3 in general is possible while pregnant, should i be lucky enough to fall pregnant quickly? For example, would a centre take someone on for placement when they are pregnant? Worst case scenario I would be about 5 months pregnant for the final placement if i fell pregnant first try (unlikely)

For those of you wondering why I'm suddenly trying just before i started the course... I lost my daughter 1 hour after birth in January unexpectedly and we have just been given the all clear to try again, so that happens to coincide with starting the course.

Thanks for your advice :)


Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:03 am
by Lorina
First of all I would just like to say I’m very very sorry to hear about your daughter. I can’t even begin to imagine what you went through. I’m glad to hear you haven't given up on wanting to have a family.

OK, in regards to your question...

It is possible to find work placement while you are pregnant however you may find some centres may be reluctant to have you. This can be due to the extra precautions centres have to take when a member of staff is pregnant. This doesn't mean you won’t be able to find placement. As long as you let the director know and follow good infection control measures as well as be up to date with your immunizations then it should be alright.

I understand that you probably want to get work placement out of the way before the baby comes along, however I would suggest you try and complete it before you start conceiving. The only reason why I am suggesting this, for the first three months of pregnancy its pretty much torture. Morning sickness, nausea, headaches etc. Would you really want to have to go to work (even though it’s placement) feeling like that? If you do become pregnant during placement maybe they can cut down your hours or days to make it easier for you. Just something for you to consider...

I also found the following information from “Staying Healthy In Childcare (5th Edition)”.
Educators and other staff who are pregnant need to be aware of how some infections can affect their unborn child. If a staff member is pregnant, it is even more important than usual for the education and care service to make sure that all staff are following good infection control practices.

Pregnant women or women considering pregnancy who work with young children should pay particular attention to good hand hygiene after contact with body secretions, especially after changing nappies or assisting in toilet care.

Pregnant women or women considering pregnancy should pay particular attention to good hand hygiene after handling food.

I've got a whole lot of information on "Infectious Diseases During Pregnancy". If you want I can upload the information for you so you can have a read for yourself.

Let me know...

Hope this helps,



Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:19 am
by mellis77
Thanks so much! It's a hard situation as obviously I am
Dying to have a baby. I'm 36 and hubby is 45 and we don't have any living children so age wise I need to get on to it..
Your points are all valid though so ill give it some thought!!
Thanks heaps xx


Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:48 pm
by fchaudari76
I would agree with LA on all points. Either get your placement done before or put it on hold till after you have had the baby as most places probably would be reluctant to have a pregnant person doing a placement with them.
Good luck with it all


Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:35 pm
by LBuRNa293
Had my baby 5 weeks ago, he's healthy and well :) Started my placement last week monday and completed 32hours out of the neccessary 105. I'm enjoying placement very much, the staff are wonderful with the exception of one witch lol but the majority of the staff are awesome and the kids are beautiful. I love placement but its so rewarding to come home and be greeted by the smiles of my own children. I've definitely found my calling and am excited to start my own family day care once i've completed my cert. That's "IF" i complete it on time as I gave myself a holiday after having my son LOL


Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:15 pm
by mellis77
Congrats on your baby!! I've now started my cert 3 and we've been learning about viruses etc that go around childcare centres. The one of most concern is cytomegalovirus which can cause deformities and deafness in fetuses.. There's no way I can risk that!! If I get preg this cycle, I would be 6 weeks when starting placement.. I guess even though it's only early days, it's still risky. Not a fan of doing placement after having a baby however I guess I could do a couple of days a week
And spread the two weeks out so I'm not away from bub too much.. Just have to
Find someone to babysit!!!


Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:08 am
by skye93
Hey there. I'm 32 weeks pregnant now, and just started me cert III last week. I'll be leaving my placement until after the baby is born, as I have a 13 1/2 month old son as well.


Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:46 am
by mellis77
Thanks Skye. I finished the cert 3 on Friday and sadly haven't got pregnant yet. Congrats on your impending arrival!


Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:05 am
by Lorina
mellis77 wrote:Thanks Skye. I finished the cert 3 on Friday and sadly haven't got pregnant yet. Congrats on your impending arrival!

I understand how much you want to have a baby. You are always in my thoughts and I really hope it happens for you. Will you be continuing your diploma?



Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:57 am
by mellis77
Thanks lovely. Still trying but keep having very early miscarriages. Very frustrating! I'm not doing the diploma. Just waiting for my certificates then I'll start looking for a job :-)