Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Cert 3 online - answer lengths required?
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Cert 3 online - answer lengths required?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:04 pm
Hi everyone, newby here!

I'm currently working towards my Cert III in Childrens Services online through Sand Goanna while I work at an outside school hours care centre.

I was wondering if you could share information on how much work is required on individual questions at Cert III level as all of my previous education was in the UK (GCSE, A-LEVEL, HND and Pre-degree courses). I'm not sure as to the level of work required.

My course, like many I am sure, is set out as follows:


Could you give me an idea as to the number of words required for each of these as I think I might be doing too much. All i keep hearing is how Cert III is similar to a UK GCSE (I think these are your Year 12 certs??) but it seems so much more work than that.

Thank you in advance


Re: Cert 3 online - answer lengths required?

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:47 am
by Lorina
Hi Gemma,

Welcome to Aussie Childcare Network! :wave:

I think the answer lengths really depends on the questions being asked. Sometimes a couple of sentences will do and other times you need a couple of paragraphs. As long as you provide the information required in your response and get your understanding across that's the most important thing!

Don't worry too much about it unless your course provider mentions something. They can't deduct marks you for writing too much information however they can for writing too less...

See you around the forum,
