Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Advice on how to answer assignment questions
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Advice on how to answer assignment questions

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:35 pm
by razza1
Hi all I am a FDC educator,I am doing my cert3 in hopes of going straight into my diploma and then a degree.
I am confused as to how to answer the questions. I find alot of them are straight forward and could answer them in a few sentences. But i noticed on here there is a lot of copy and pasting which are great answers ..
I am wondering how much learning is actually involved if you simply copy and paste.
So my question is, what are assessors wanting? straight forward answers or quoted copied articles off the net.
I know a mixture is good but what balance?..
I always thought your own words were worth morethen a quoted copied piece...
Not sure which way to go..

Re: confusion on how to answer

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:44 am
by Lorina
The best way to answer is to write your understanding in your own words. The whole point of doing assignments/answering questions etc. is for the assessor to get your understanding of the question or scenario and so you can gain a better understanding.

Copying and pasting is not learning and in my opinion it is the easy way out. Although there may be times where you need to refer to regulations, acts, policies and procedures etc which may involve copying and pasting but it is always good to add a reference to any information that you provide that has not be written in your own words or if you have taken the idea from another source.

Assessors are experienced and have probably come across thousands of answers so they will know ho much you have copied and pasted and it's always easy to tell!

So, please I urge you to answer questions in your own words... whether it may take a couple of sentences or a paragraph, it doesn't matter as long as you show what you have understood from the question!

Hope this helps,


Re: Advice on how to answer assignment questions

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:30 pm
by razza1
Thank you for reassurring mme that i was on the right track..