Workplace Emergencies and Procedures
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 6:44 pm
Q1-List an example of a workplace emergency and the procedure to follow
In the event of an earthquake
• Take shelter under tables, desks or in doorways.
• Stay away from windows, shelving and large free-standing furniture.
• Leave the building as soon as you are able to
Q2-List an example of a step by step procedure for manual handling in children services
. Procedures for managing and monitoring safe manual handling.
• Staff are encouraged to use their common sense and not to take unnecessary risks when handling large/heavy objects.
• When lifting a child or object weighing more than 15 kilos, staff are required to seek assistance.
• Manual handling and correct lifting/back care training will be provided every two years depending upon staff turnover. Training will be provided by a physiotherapist or by Work cover. Application for training in specific areas will be considered.
• It is the responsibility of all staff to follow the attached procedures and assist by identifying manual handling hazards and risks.
• Staff are to be provided with the handouts - 'Understanding your Back'; 'Child Care and Your Back' and 'Exercises for your Back' during their orientation.
• The OH&S Officer will conduct checks each semester to monitor use of manual handling across the centre. Any difficulties noted in these checks will be dealt with immediately.
Q3-List WHS designated role names in a workplace
Team leaders/supervisors
• Officers
• HSRs
• HSC members
• Organization WHS personnel
• Other persons designated by the organization
Q4-what are some examples of WHS legislative Requirements for reporting and recordkeeping
It is requirement under WHS law for workplaces to have the following documentation and make it available to Government safety inspectors
1-A register of injuries
2-A register of hazardous substances
3-List of Health and safety Representatives (HSRs)
4-Record of Notifiable incidents
Q5-what is an educator's duty of care in the workplace
An educator's duty of care is to ensure they use safe workplace practices in the service and are mindful of minimizing and eliminating potential risks of hazards for the safety of other co workers, children and visitors to the service.
Q6-what is the name of the legislation that guide WHS in NSW
NSW Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
Q7-describe the hierarchy of controls, why is it important in the workplace
It's a list of ways that your employer should deal with health and safety issues at work. The option at the top of the list are more effective, as they address the hazard, rather than just reduce the risk
Importance in workplace.
It is important to monitor both the hazard and the control method to make sure that the control is working effectively and that exposure to the hazard is reduced or eliminated.
Some tools include physical inspection, testing, exposure assessment, observations, injury and illness tracking, accident/incident investigations reports, employee feedback/input, occupational health assessment and other methods.
Q8-List a variety of methods an educator can use to minimize stress and fatigue levels in the work places
• Provide regular opportunities for child care professionals to meet with management to discuss issues that may contribute to workplace stress
• allow and support team members to reflect on an debrief about challenging issues, events and conflicts
• encourage child care professionals to take their leave entitlement
• provide child care professionals with access to counselors or support service
• allow child care professionals to take short breaks when they are feeling stressed for example when they are working with a child whose behavior is particularly challenging
• ensure that child care professionals are familiar with and can implement the service's policies and procedures, for example emergency evacuations or behavior guidance strategies
Please have a look at my responses and suggest what do you think about these.thanks alot
In the event of an earthquake
• Take shelter under tables, desks or in doorways.
• Stay away from windows, shelving and large free-standing furniture.
• Leave the building as soon as you are able to
Q2-List an example of a step by step procedure for manual handling in children services
. Procedures for managing and monitoring safe manual handling.
• Staff are encouraged to use their common sense and not to take unnecessary risks when handling large/heavy objects.
• When lifting a child or object weighing more than 15 kilos, staff are required to seek assistance.
• Manual handling and correct lifting/back care training will be provided every two years depending upon staff turnover. Training will be provided by a physiotherapist or by Work cover. Application for training in specific areas will be considered.
• It is the responsibility of all staff to follow the attached procedures and assist by identifying manual handling hazards and risks.
• Staff are to be provided with the handouts - 'Understanding your Back'; 'Child Care and Your Back' and 'Exercises for your Back' during their orientation.
• The OH&S Officer will conduct checks each semester to monitor use of manual handling across the centre. Any difficulties noted in these checks will be dealt with immediately.
Q3-List WHS designated role names in a workplace
Team leaders/supervisors
• Officers
• HSRs
• HSC members
• Organization WHS personnel
• Other persons designated by the organization
Q4-what are some examples of WHS legislative Requirements for reporting and recordkeeping
It is requirement under WHS law for workplaces to have the following documentation and make it available to Government safety inspectors
1-A register of injuries
2-A register of hazardous substances
3-List of Health and safety Representatives (HSRs)
4-Record of Notifiable incidents
Q5-what is an educator's duty of care in the workplace
An educator's duty of care is to ensure they use safe workplace practices in the service and are mindful of minimizing and eliminating potential risks of hazards for the safety of other co workers, children and visitors to the service.
Q6-what is the name of the legislation that guide WHS in NSW
NSW Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
Q7-describe the hierarchy of controls, why is it important in the workplace
It's a list of ways that your employer should deal with health and safety issues at work. The option at the top of the list are more effective, as they address the hazard, rather than just reduce the risk
Importance in workplace.
It is important to monitor both the hazard and the control method to make sure that the control is working effectively and that exposure to the hazard is reduced or eliminated.
Some tools include physical inspection, testing, exposure assessment, observations, injury and illness tracking, accident/incident investigations reports, employee feedback/input, occupational health assessment and other methods.
Q8-List a variety of methods an educator can use to minimize stress and fatigue levels in the work places
• Provide regular opportunities for child care professionals to meet with management to discuss issues that may contribute to workplace stress
• allow and support team members to reflect on an debrief about challenging issues, events and conflicts
• encourage child care professionals to take their leave entitlement
• provide child care professionals with access to counselors or support service
• allow child care professionals to take short breaks when they are feeling stressed for example when they are working with a child whose behavior is particularly challenging
• ensure that child care professionals are familiar with and can implement the service's policies and procedures, for example emergency evacuations or behavior guidance strategies
Please have a look at my responses and suggest what do you think about these.thanks alot