Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Working Within The Childcare Environment
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Working Within The Childcare Environment

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 4:23 pm
by seep
14-list examples of inappropriate behavior in the work place, what should the appropriate behavior be
inappropriate behavior
taking credit of some one's else's work
unrealistic and/or unreasonable workload demands
inappropriate comments about personal appearance
Appropriate behavior
15-how can you share information with others in a work place
sharing information with other team members happens many time throughout the working day in relation to the care and needs of the children,the needs and expectations of parents,as well as the needs for the staff and the day to day running of the service.Educators should ensure that all information is shared and given in an appropriate and timely manner to the correct person.the correct use of service policies and procedures in relation to sharing information is essential for an effective,cooprative and trusting workplace relationship.

16-why should you report conflict in the workplace
Reporting conflict in the workplace to your supervisor is relevent to the maintenence and development of the cooprative work place.the role as an educator in the children's services industry require the use of many cooprative workplace skills.some people would not see reporting conflict in the workplace to the supervisor as being a practice that support the development of a cooprative workplace.However,if educators do not report conflict,additional and more complex incidences of conflict can arise.

18-give an example of some policies you may see in a children's services
 behaviour management policy
 medication policy
 grievance policy
 staff absence request policy
19-give some examples of concerns you may report to your supervisor in the work place
when educators are working as part of a team,it is each person's responsibility to contribute ,by reporting concerns on a variety of aspects.All members of the team should feel they are valueable collaborator in the development of the service;this requires indvidual staff members to be well informed of service policies and procedures.
Team members not only need to understand policies and procedures,they are also required to communicate any concerns and provide feedback to the supervisor or management about the relevance of these,to the service operation.

Re: Working Within The Childcare Environment

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:28 am
by Lorina
I think your responses are good for these questions...:thumbup:
