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UN Rights Of The Child: Article 24
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:08 pm
by Eilleen ... Child.aspx. This is supposed to be the website
In your own words, summarise what the article says about nutrition. article 24
Please help as I have absolutely no idea with this one and no idea where to find it sorry
I hope you can help thanks in advance
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:28 pm
by Eilleen
I need to do a summary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 24
this is the question asked of me
A summary of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 24.
This is the answer I wrote. Can someone tell me if this is a summary of the above question or do I need to add more.
To me the article states that all children shall be respected, happy, have a right to see a doctor when sick, to provide medical and health care, stop disease and malnutrition, provide adequate nutritious foods and clean drinking-water, to provide care for the mother with ante-natal and post-natal care. The children also have the right to have an education
Re: UN Rights Of The Child: Article 24
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 4:00 am
by Lorina
Yes, you can also include:
Article 24 (Health and health services): Children have the right to good quality health care – the best
health care possible – to safe drinking water, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and
information to help them stay healthy. Rich countries should help poorer countries achieve this.
Ref: UN Rights Of The Child