Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Toilet Training
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Toilet Training

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:47 pm
by danielle96
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCCN302A Provide care for children
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
'7. Ho do you respond to Amy's mother about toilet training? How do you support the parent's belief about toilet training?'

The information given to answer this question is about Amy's day at childcare(I will just write the part that mentions the toilet training)-
'Amy's mum arrives at at 5:50pm. You have a chance to talk to Amy's mum and you ask if there are any changes at home as Amy has not been her usual self today. She tells you that she is trying to toilet train Amy at home and she would like you to continue this at childcare. The parents believe if you start now then the child will be trained by 2 years just like their eldest daughter was. The mother goes on to say they have had success at home as Amy always has no nappy on and will just sit on the potty to play.

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Amy is 16 months old and I have done some research into the ages children should be toilet trained and have not exactly found any right or wrong answers. Most say toilet training is ready to start between 2 and 3 years. But can be as early as 18 months to start, but shouldn't be before as their muscles that control their bladder and rectum until they reach about 18 months to 2 years.

In response to Amy's mum wanting to toilet train her I myself would think that the centre would try to support it by asking Amy throughout the day if she needs to use the toilet or get her into a routine of when she needs to go. Make sure she has spare clothing incase accidents happen.

Description and Message:
My answer needs to be around 150 words so I think I need a few more points to stretch out my answer.
Any help is appreciated!!

Re: Toilet Training

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:12 am
by Lorina
Interestingly my little one is the same age as Amy in this scenario and I have begun to toilet train my bub at home. I am using a potty and I encourage her to sit on it through out the day mostly before and after sleep but finding it difficult as she usually sits on it for only a few seconds. I've noticed she tends to hold her wee and does it while off the potty. I'm not sure if it's because she finds the potty uncomfortable or doesn't want to go when on it... Will still continue trying and see what happens!

Anyways my point of telling you this is that if the parents are doing it at home then it should be continued at the centre. A 16 month old will not be able to go to the toilet by themselves and reminding them to go isn't going to help. An educator will need to physically take Amy to the toilet every hour throughout the day and encourage her to do a wee. If she does make a big deal if not, then try again in half an hour.

You can also use some points from the following:

Toilet Training Toddlers

Hope this helps,


Re: Toilet Training

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:55 pm
by danielle96
Thank Lorina! Good to know a real life scenario, this should give me a bit more to work off of :)

-More info welcomed and appreciated!