Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Task 1: Prepare a Work Plan and Professional Development Plan
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Task 1: Prepare a Work Plan and Professional Development Plan

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:05 pm
by mand
Point 4. Write a final evaluation and include WP Supervisor feedback here:

At the end of your work placement, evaluate the effectiveness of your Work Plan. Comment on how it helped your time management skills, how you dealt with stress and with unexpected events. Include the evaluation on your Work Plan. My supervisor said that you have become a member of our room and participating in most areas and duties required of an educator. She said You are so attached to the children. Yes, at first it seemed a bit hard for me to manage time after coming back home in the evening but after second day I managed my time and activities and prioritise some activities and noted some important points while working in the service and tried my best to learn more

Point 3. Write your half way evaluation of your Work Plan here.

WP Supervisor feedback I am trying to learn as much as I can from my supervisor and room leader. My supervisor observed that I want to learn more and more as I was asking lot of questions and she was quite happy and she commented you are learning so quickly and supporting children and educators in the room. You are assisting educators in daily routine and said that you can be a valuable asset to the child care industry. She said that you are acting in professional manner.

Point 10. At the end of work placement, identify a professional development activity that you could engage in to continue to work towards developing your skill or area for improvement. You could ask your WP Supervisor for a suggestion or search for suitable professional development opportunities on the Internet for your local area.
Professional development activity:
Educators continually seek ways to build their professional knowledge and develop learning communities. They become co-learners with children, families and community, and value the continuity and richness of local knowledge shared by community members, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. Reflective practice is a form of ongoing learning that involves engaging with questions of philosophy, ethics and practice. Its purpose is to gather information and gain insights that support, inform and enrich decision-making about children’s learning. As professionals, early childhood educators examine what happens in their settings and reflect on what they might change.

Point 11. In collaboration with your WP Supervisor or other educator, document how the service implements the Learning Framework Principle: Ongoing learning and reflective practice

Ongoing learnings and Reflective practice can be undertaken individually or with a group or team and can be practised in the moment or it can happen later by taking the time to think about an event or some aspect of practice. Service reflect with colleagues: Thinking deeply about an interest, issue, event, or practice from different perspectives Being honest, about all aspects of practice including elements that are positive and those that are of concern, monitoring pedagogy and curriculum as part of a cycle of continuous improvement. Listening to and learning from others engaging in an ongoing process and not a ‘one-off’ activity.

plz help me