Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Strategies For Lactose Intolerance
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Strategies For Lactose Intolerance

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:28 pm
by lilybeth7
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: Allergies
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
Alison is 3 years old and is lactose intolerant.

What strategies would you implement to ensure she is not served cow’s milk at your Service?

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Would you go as far as not serving cow's milk at all on the days Alision was in care or is that too extreme??

Description and Message:

Re: Allergies

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:31 pm
by Lorina
Yeah that is a bit extreme... It wouldn't be fair to other children and also it won't meet the nutrition requirements for the children attending on those days either. Instead you can provide Allison with a different colored cup so it doesn't get mixed with others when serving milk and make sure there is a notice in the kitchen and eating area so all staff are aware...

Hope this helps,


Re: Strategies For Lactose Intolerance

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:41 pm
by lilybeth7
It does help. Thanks so much. :P