Scenarios: No Paint & Bear Hunt
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:43 pm
No Paint
The Educator had planned a painting experience for Harry (3 years) that would allow him to explore the texture of paint using his senses. When Harry arrives at the experience he refuses to put his hands in the paint.
How would you address Harry whilst respecting his choice not to participate?
He doesnot want to put his hands in the paint. But we can’t force him so we can offer him a paint brush for paint.
Is it Correct?
Bear Hunting
Jessica (4 years) does not want to take part in our enactment of “Going on a Bear Hunt”.
How would you address Jessica whilst respecting her choice not to participate?
I need help to give this answer
The Educator had planned a painting experience for Harry (3 years) that would allow him to explore the texture of paint using his senses. When Harry arrives at the experience he refuses to put his hands in the paint.
How would you address Harry whilst respecting his choice not to participate?
He doesnot want to put his hands in the paint. But we can’t force him so we can offer him a paint brush for paint.
Is it Correct?
Bear Hunting
Jessica (4 years) does not want to take part in our enactment of “Going on a Bear Hunt”.
How would you address Jessica whilst respecting her choice not to participate?
I need help to give this answer