Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenarios: Helen - Forcing Child To Paint
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Scenarios: Helen - Forcing Child To Paint

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:59 pm
by kitudandyan
Hi Guys

Help with this scenario

In the following scenario describe what you think Helen should do and include in your answer your responses to the following questions:

Is the teacher encouraging or pressuring the child to participate?
How are they doing this?
Do you agree with this approach?
What would you do differently or the same?
Did the childcare worker respect the child's decision not to participate? How/how not

Helen, a childcare worker, is finishing off setting up a variety of experiences for children to undertake at inside activity time. Helen notices Kate (aged four) sitting at the puzzle table for an extend period of time. Helen approaches Kate tells her she has been at the puzzle table for too long and she needs to go painting,"I don't care Kate, you must do a painting for your portfolio and you can't hog the puzzles all day." With this Helen pulls Kate's chair out slowly so she can leave the table. Kate begins to cry.

plz help me with question

Re: Scenarios: Helen - Forcing Child To Paint

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:52 am
by Lorina
So, basically Helen is forcing the child to complete a painting when Kate would rather complete puzzles...


Re: Scenarios: Helen - Forcing Child To Paint

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:55 pm
by kitudandyan
thnax lorina