Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenarios: Dheran and Amy
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Scenarios: Dheran and Amy

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:15 pm
by seep
Case study 1

Dheran is 11 years old. He has three young half brothers and sisters,two attending a children's service. Dheran's mother Emma is a sole parent and he has no contact with his father who is aboriginal.Emma never talks about Dheran's father and is uncomfortable about Dheran's identity as an aboriginal person.Her young children have occasional contact with their father.Emma has been diagnosed with depression by her GP and is taking anti-depressants.Recently Dheran has been more difficult to manage at home.He has been very rude to Emma and has been very rude to Emma and has been aggressive with his younger siblings.Yesterday he became angry with his little sister aged 5 and she has bruises on her arm where he grabbed her.Previously Dheran would offer to help Emma around the house,and would keep an eye on the younger children in the back yard so that Emma could have a break.Emma does not like the boys that Dheran is socializing with because there are rumours that they are smoking marijuana.

Q1-what communication (if any) would you have with the family?

Q2-list some community support organisations or referral services that may be able to support the family?

Q3- If a report is needed,show the steps on the decision tree.


case study 2

Amy is a 2 year old child who has attended a children service for the last three months.her mother Jessie is 22 year old.Children's service staff have noted that jessie can be socially inappropriate,telling parents who she does not know very personal details,including that she has been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and that before she had Amy she tried to commit suicide. the staff are aware that Jessie is a client of a community mental health service but are not sure whether she takes medication.Jessie makes sure Amy is always well dressed and fed and likes to tell everyone about interesting things they have done together.
Last week one of the children's service staff over heard her telling another parent that she thinks Amy is very bright,because everyone says she has such good manners.As Amy's key worker you are concerned that Amy has delayed language development and feel she should have a hearing test and possibly a speech therapy assessment.Today Jessicacame in looking very down and tells a staff member that she has revived an eviction notice from her unit

Q1- List some community support organisations or referral services that may be able to support the family?

Q2-If a report is needed,show the steps on the decision tree?


need support to solve these case studies please.

Re: Scenarios: Dheran and Amy

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:56 am
by Lorina
Include a response please...


Re: Scenarios: Dheran and Amy

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 12:42 am
by seep
case study Dheran

1-What communication (if any) would you have with the family

need your suggestions plz.

2-list some community support organisations or referal services that may be able to support the family?

Family Referral Service
Human Services Network
NSW Family Services

3-if a report is needed,show the steps on the decision tree?

You may discuss possible actions with your supervisor or a colleague, and/or report to the Child
Protection Helpline if you still have professional concerns.
Your agency may have provided advice on who to contact in your agency or elsewhere to discuss any
child protection concerns.
You may contact the Family Referral Service in your area. See the website at: Family Referral Services assist families with children and
young people who do not meet the statutory threshold for child protection intervention but would
benefit from accessing support to address current problems and prevent escalation of risk of harm.
Consult HSNet for referral options
Consult the FamS website
Seek additional information under exchange of information provisions.

is this ok now?