Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenario: Mr Brown - Angry That Tara's Clothes Are Dirty
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Scenario: Mr Brown - Angry That Tara's Clothes Are Dirty

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:53 pm
by Ellabella
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: Assessment task 005: Service complaints policy
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
Mr Brown arrives early to collect his daughter, Tara (4.6 yrs). The children are playing outside. Tara has
been helping an educator to weed and water the garden and her clothes are wet and muddy.
When Mr Brown sees Tara he becomes quite angry. The following exchange takes place:
‘Tara, get inside and change your clothes. How can I take you shopping looking like that?’
Mr Brown then turns to the educator, ‘I don’t pay a fortune every day for you to play in the mud with my
daughter. This is supposed to be an educational program, where’s the education? I’m sick of coming
here and seeing Tara involved in stupid games.’
Mr Brown then storms off and can be heard yelling at Tara to hurry up.
The following day Mr Brown hands the director a letter of complaint. His concerns include:
> allowing Tara to get dirty
>not providing educational activities
>too much senseless play and not enough preparation for school

Please describe what you would say to Mr Brown about the benefits of play-based learning and the value of various experiences. Which records and centre documents would you refer to? Look at compromise – would parent like to provide a set of clothing for Tara to wear home? How could you collaborate with Mr. Brown to develop goals for Tara?

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
ive been looking at the complaint policy and looking in the text book (the big picture)

Description and Message:

Re: Scenario: Mr Brown - Angry That Tara's Clothes Are Dirty

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:50 pm
by Lorina
For this question you need to look at play based learning and how important play is to a child. When children are playing they are not just "playing" but they are learning, developing skills and showing an interest. You will need to explain this in your response. I am going to provide you with some information that can help:

Hope this helps,


Re: Scenario: Mr Brown - Angry That Tara's Clothes Are Dirty

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:48 pm
by claire10
Understand that Dad may be old fashioned in his ideas and expectations of what and how education should be delivered
he may also be some one under a lot of pressure ect
Very subtle and practical ideas

so I suggest
1 a flyer on the ELF and how this activity meets it
2 children to wear aprons gloves ect
3 Print photos of his daughter and add a few lines of information ( have done this for a parent and used the child's words and what he learning to do)

He can also read the Entire ELF Frame work at his leisure.

Re: Scenario: Mr Brown - Angry That Tara's Clothes Are Dirty

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:15 pm
by Ellabella
thx so much for your help this helped a lot