Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenario: Josh - Promoting Physical Activities
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Scenario: Josh - Promoting Physical Activities

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:42 am
by bakewell
Hi there,

I am having trouble answering a few questuons of case study 5:

Case Study 5
Josh is four and a half years old and lives in an apartment. You have noticed that Josh does not actively involve himself in ball games that his peers are playing during outdoor play. During discussions with Josh’s mother, she tells you that Josh does not get to play outdoors much because both his parents work long hours and he is with an elderly grandparent during the weekend. You set up an activity with balls and hoops and encourage Josh to participate in the game. He attempts to kick the ball twice but misses both times. Josh’s peers laugh at him which causes Josh to pick up a ball and throw it at his peers. He yells at them to ‘go away’, bursts into tears and runs away. Josh’s peers yell back that ‘he is a cry baby’ and then they continue with the game.

4. Outline how you can embed physical experiences in a daily program to improve gross motor skills of all children. Refer to the National Physical Activity Guidelines for Australians and the Get up and Grow: Healthy eating and physical activity for early childhood resources to ensure that you are meeting all the necessary requirements

Physical activities relating to all ages is difficult. I was thinking for babies and toddlers, toys and items to grab and explore. Older toddlers and children, age appropriate obstacle courses.

8. How would you respond to Josh’s reaction to his peers’ taunts? Explain what tools you could give him to deal with this situation differently if it occurs in the future and describe two coping strategies Josh could use.

I would respond by comforting Josh and supporting him. I would use encourage Josh to participate in outdoor activities and talk to him about how we can work together to improve his physical abilities. Future tools Josh could use to deal with the situation differently in the future: communication and persistence.
2 coping strategies: asking educators for assistance?

10. What intentional teaching strategies could you use in the program to highlight the need to treat others with respect? Give five example.
Reading the children educational and age appropriate books about bullying.
Talking to the children about how they would feel if the situation was reversed.
I need 3 more

I have answered these questions to the best of my ability and I don't know what else to do! Please help me. I would really appreciate it

Re: Provide care for Children - Case study 5

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:45 pm
by Ebony
I'm really stuck on these questions aswell!

I've only finished Question 8- I would use open dialogue with josh and ask how he is doing and how he feels when this kind of thing happens, I would then try to teach josh different techniques he can use when feeling like he is being bullied and how to better control his anger. I would encourage him to tell the other kids how it makes him feel and if he ever is feeling really angry again to take himself away from those kids and do some quiet activities somewhere else. I could also suggest that that he comes and speaks to me or another educator when something like this happens because talking about things can make us calmer and less likely to act without thinking.

Re: Scenario: Josh - Promoting Physical Activities

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:06 pm
by bakewell
Thank you Ebony,

This assists me with question 8. I am still having trouble with the whole case study though haha.
I will just struggle through :D

Re: Scenario: Josh - Promoting Physical Activities

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:24 am
by Ebony
Yes hopefully someone can give us some guidance because im struggling with it aswell haha

Re: Scenario: Josh - Promoting Physical Activities

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:49 am
by Lorina
bakewell wrote:QR_BBPOST how you can embed physical experiences in a daily program to improve gross motor skills of all children. Refer to the National Physical Activity Guidelines for Australians and the Get up and Grow

Get Up and Grow Resources

I also have this student workshop on respect and bullying:

Workshop - Respect

Hope this helps,
