Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenario: Ben - Behaviour Support Plan
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Scenario: Ben - Behaviour Support Plan

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:05 pm
by Niloufar
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: Supporting the partnerships
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?

Ben is eight years old. He is always talking to the others on his table.He does little or no work and although he starts lot of tasks he never seems to finish any of them. Ben is constantly on the move. He doesn't sleep much and can't even concentrate on computer games or television.He can't settle with one friend. Ben has Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder..Ben's parents and the school need support and advice from medical and psychological services.

Table 2
Complete a Behaviour Support Plan for Ben (from the above scenarios) . You will find Quality Area 5 of the National Quality Standards will be helpful in your answers.

An example of this assessment piece has been provided as a part of your resources , please refer to this and use to guide you in the completion of this task.

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
This is my answer, but i need help

Name of Child: Ben
Age: 8

1) child's background: Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder diagnosis
2) Special needs/consideration:
3) Current inappropriate behaviour:
A) talking out of turn
B) failing to complete tasks
C) can not sit still
D) fails to concentrate
E) can not settle with one friends
F) They have trouble following instructions, especially when they’re presented in a list.
G) They often forget to write down homework assignments, do them, or bring completed
work to school.
H) They often lack fine motor control, which makes note-taking difficult and handwriting a
trial to read.
I) They often have trouble with operations that require ordered steps, such as long division
or solving equations.
J)They usually have problems with long-term projects where there is no direct supervision.
4) Reasons for behaviour:
A) Lack appropriate amount of sleep at night
B) Displays behaviours and characteristics of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
C) Demanding attention
5) Which are the behaviours you want to change /why?
A) He always talks out of turn , so i have to change it , because it is disruptive for him and for teacher and the other students
B) He doesn't have concentration , so i have to improve his concentration, to enable him to complete tasks , improve school marks
C) He cant sit still, so if is achieved improve relationships with teachers a peers alike.
6) Aims-How do you want them to behave?
A) Improve marks
B) improve concentration
C) improve relationship with staff a peers
D) improve Ben's self-confidence
E) talking to them calmly
F) with a lot of patience,creativity, and consistency.
G)the most effective tool, however, in helping a student with ADD/ADHD is a positive attitude.
H)” Assure the student that you’ll be looking for good behavior and quality work, and
when you see it, reinforce it with immediate and sincere praise.
I) Look for ways to motivate a student with ADD/ADHD by offering rewards on a point or token system.
7) strategies to change behavious(QA5)
Verbal instructions

Keep instructions brief and clear
Say the child's name or tap them on the shoulder to make and keep eye contact when giving important information
Ask your child to repeat the instruction to make sure they have taken it in and understood
Your child may need prompting, monitoring and encouragement to keep them focused on tasks
Written work

Highlight important points in written information using *asterisks*, CAPITAL LETTERS or bold.
Limit the amount of information that needs to be copied from a black or white board. Instead, give 'hand out' sheets with this information.
Other learning strategies

Provide one-to-one instruction as often as possible
A class 'buddy', who gets along well with the child, can be helpful to reinforce instructions and directions
Make sure activities have plenty of 'hands on' involvement
Schedule the most important learning to take place during the child's best concentration time(s). This is usually mornings.
Give a checklist for what the child needs to do
Physical environment
Sit them near the front of the classroom.
Plan seating and furniture carefully to decrease distractions. For example, sit the child near classmates who will be good role models.
A quiet place, without clutter is important for homework.

8) Considerations when implementing strategies
A) increase teacher aide time
B) Education of disorder for caregivers/ teachers
9) Support-needed internal
A) Educate/Train parents on correct sleep tools for their sleep time
B) Educate/Train parents in full of the disorder
10) Support -Needed External
A) Educate /Train classroom /teacher/participants /teacher aide of the disorder in full
11) Evaluation Strategies -What will the child be showing?
A)Ben needs regular evaluation of behavioural problems /implemented procedures of behaviour enhancing activities etc.
B) Evaluation should be done every fortnight
12) Follow up Strategies how will you monitor?
A) fortnightly progress documented from information/caregivers/teachers
B) Fortnightly progress on Bens behaviours
C) Fortnightly progress on work-done with Ben

Description and Message:
If someone knows the correct answers please let me know

Re: Scenario: Ben - Behaviour Support Plan

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:54 am
by Lorina
You have provided a detailed response, which is great. Just make sure you reference your information...

Just a couple of things:

For "current inappropriate behavior" just list the ones mentioned in the scenario.

Also for "how you want them to behave" you need to list expected behaviors... for example:

1) Sitting still in class
2) Listening to others while talking etc.

The rest of your response seems fine!

Hope this helps,
