Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Risk Analysis Of Toys, Materials and Equipment
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Risk Analysis Of Toys, Materials and Equipment

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 10:15 am
by Daye
During staff meeting you are nominated to be part of a team to research and submit a risk analysis for checking the following:
1. Toys/materials/equipment:
List five (5) health and safety features of toys/ materials/equipment that would need to be considered for each of the following age groups.Be specific about the childrens developmental stage,and the construction and maintenance of the toys/materials/equipment.
A) 0-2 years
B) 3-5 years
C) 6-8 years

Pls look at my answer:
0-2 - toys should be large enough so that they can't be swallowed or lodged on the windpipe.
- toys should be unbreakable and strong enough to withstand chewing.
- check for buttons or eyes that could come off, sharp ends or small parts like eyes, wheels that can be pulled off.
- toys that can be held up to ears such as musical toys should not make any loud noise for it could affect hearing.
-batterry operated toy should have a secure batterry cases that is secure with screws so that kids cannot open them as batteries pose risk including choking and poisonous when swallowed.
-avoid marbles and coins because they are small enough and can be put to mouth and cause choking.

3-5 - most riding toys can be used on a child when they are able to sit up well while supported but check for manufacturers instruction if it is age appropriate.
- riding toys should be strong enough and don't trip over easily.
-toys with a high back for example horse with high tail are hard for young children to go on safely.
- buy toys that is age appropriate if it is labelled "Not suitable for children under, it should not be used for a particular age group.
-look for the non-toxic label on crayons, pencils or toys that have liquid on them.

6-8 - shooting toys such as toy darts or arrows should have soft tops or suction cups at the end and should not have hard points.
- bicycles should not be used without helmet.

Pla look if im on the right track. Thanks

Re: Scenario:Safety features of toys

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:00 am
by rebecca_chat
i think your answer is ok, i also do the assessment, i stat the 2.SMOKE ALARMS.

Re: Risk Analysis Of Toys, Materials and Equipment

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:02 pm
by Lorina
Yes, you're on the right track with this response! :thumbup:

This will help for 6 - 8 years:

Choosing Safe Toys


Re: Risk Analysis Of Toys, Materials and Equipment

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:16 pm
by Daye
Thanks Lorina

Re: Risk Analysis Of Toys, Materials and Equipment

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:17 pm
by Daye
Hello Rebecca seems we had thesame assessment.hope you already have your answer with smoke alarms.