Play and development
Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:13 am
Hi Lorina
Please can you check my answers.... These question came back to me.....
Case study A: Holistic development
Kurt is 6 years old, he recently enrolled at the School Age care service where you work as an assistance educator. Kurt is one of serveral childrenhis age at the service and he attends each day both before and after he goes to school. The lead educator you work with lets you know that kurt's Parents have recently seperated and while there are no parenting orders in place, his mother did say things have been a bit messy leading up to the seperation. Kurt;s mother is the parent you will have the most contact with as his father works away.
Kurst presents as a very quiet and withdrawn child- not unusual for a new enrolment. You and your colleagues buddy him up with one of the other children his age and work hard to help him feel comfortable at the service. You are carefull to find out what he likes and his interests are to help him engage with the resources and other children. After one month, Kurt still has not formed any friendship amongst his peers and generally engage with the educators if they speak to him first. His mother says he is becoming a little withdrawn at home as well. you begin to suspect that there might be an issue with Kurt's current/ emotional/ physchological
4. List the National Quality Standard and elements that link to this practice?
2.1.1Each child’s health needs are supported.
QA 5 - Relationships with Children
• 5.1 Respectful and equitable relationships are developed and maintained with each child.
Element 5.2.2 Each child is supported to manage their own behaviour, respond appropriately to the behaviour of others and communicate effectively to resolve conflicts.
standard element 5.1.3 each child is supported to feel secure confident
5. State the code and convention that applies in this suitation?
Article 2
States Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth in the present Convention to each child within
their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child’s or his or her parent’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.
I have nothing for Code of Ethics....
Please help me and please check if i am on the right track.....
Thank you
Please can you check my answers.... These question came back to me.....
Case study A: Holistic development
Kurt is 6 years old, he recently enrolled at the School Age care service where you work as an assistance educator. Kurt is one of serveral childrenhis age at the service and he attends each day both before and after he goes to school. The lead educator you work with lets you know that kurt's Parents have recently seperated and while there are no parenting orders in place, his mother did say things have been a bit messy leading up to the seperation. Kurt;s mother is the parent you will have the most contact with as his father works away.
Kurst presents as a very quiet and withdrawn child- not unusual for a new enrolment. You and your colleagues buddy him up with one of the other children his age and work hard to help him feel comfortable at the service. You are carefull to find out what he likes and his interests are to help him engage with the resources and other children. After one month, Kurt still has not formed any friendship amongst his peers and generally engage with the educators if they speak to him first. His mother says he is becoming a little withdrawn at home as well. you begin to suspect that there might be an issue with Kurt's current/ emotional/ physchological
4. List the National Quality Standard and elements that link to this practice?
2.1.1Each child’s health needs are supported.
QA 5 - Relationships with Children
• 5.1 Respectful and equitable relationships are developed and maintained with each child.
Element 5.2.2 Each child is supported to manage their own behaviour, respond appropriately to the behaviour of others and communicate effectively to resolve conflicts.
standard element 5.1.3 each child is supported to feel secure confident
5. State the code and convention that applies in this suitation?
Article 2
States Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth in the present Convention to each child within
their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child’s or his or her parent’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.
I have nothing for Code of Ethics....
Please help me and please check if i am on the right track.....
Thank you