Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Personal Values About Clothing
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Personal Values About Clothing

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:21 pm
by seep
Q-In approx.200 words reflect on the personal values you hold regarding appropriate clothing for young children. Analyse where these attitude came from and whether these still influence your attitude towards appropriate children's clothing today. Consider how you will use this self reflection when working with families in the future in regards to determining appropriate dress for children

My Ans-As human beings, we all have our own values, beliefs and attitudes that we have developed throughout the course of our lives. Our family, friends, community and the experiences we have had all contribute to our sense of who we are and how we view the world. As community services workers, we are often working with people who are vulnerable and/or who may live a lifestyle that mainstream society views as being different or unacceptable. If, as community services workers, we are to provide a service that meets the needs of our target groups and helps them to feel empowered, we need to be aware of our own personal values, beliefs and attitudes and be prepared to adopt the professional values of our industry—and not impose our own ideas on our clients.
Consult with families about the individual needs of children with respect to different values and beliefs associated with clothing and footwear.
•I will Monitor children’s clothing and footwear to ensure compliance with the Sun Protection Policy and to support the safety, comfort and well-being of every child.
•I will Consider clothing and footwear needs associated with excursions or planned learning experiences and communicate clearly with families about the need for extraordinary protective clothing requirements.
•I will Provide protective clothing, such as aprons, for messy play experiences. I will encourage children to wear protective clothing during messy and water play.
• I will Encourage children to remove shoes and heavy/ excess layers of clothing during rest times and to reflect the room temperature.
•I will Encourage children to utilize their self help skills as appropriate to put on and remove clothing and shoes to meet their needs. For younger children, I will use observation and monitoring skills to ensure children’s clothing and footwear is appropriate for the environment and weather conditions.

please suggest am I on the right track in my response?or what other points can I add in it,thanks

Re: Personal Values About Clothing

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:23 am
by Lorina
You need to write about your own personal value regarding clothing. What are your thoughts and opinions on children's clothing... What do you think children should wear, shouldn't wear... There is no right or wrong it's based upon your own beliefs...
