Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Pedagogical practices
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Pedagogical practices

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:41 am
by mjane

Just seeing if someone can tell me if I'm on the right track please

What is the relevance of the approved framework to pedagogical practices associated with providing experiences to support children's play and learning?
Guidance-Refer to the EYLF for examples.

-Pedagogical practices relevant to providing experiences to support children’ play and learning -Observations taken, educators plan learning environments that support children’s leaning
-Scaffolding is provided to support learning e.g. prompts, demonstrations, assisting children to move through learning
-Critical questions- supporting the planning process, explore from the child's prospective

Thank you for your time =)

Re: Pedagogical practices

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:35 pm
by panga38
Hi there, your pedagogical practices comprise of all the practical theories that inform how you implement the learning framework. Look at the learning framework as your road map and the pedagogical practices is how you get there. Take for example, the pedagogy of space ; how you organise the learning space both indoors and outdoors to enable children's play and learning would be a component of your pedagogy. An example could be you ensuring that the play spaces you have created have props, various resources to enable engagement and exploration.

Scaffolding is any thing you do in the zone of proximal difference , it can be what you have listed including questing (open ended questing) prediction, extension etc. Simply put it is what you to enable learning.
Critical questions can support what you have listed but also practice in general. It depends on what the critical reflection is,