Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Identifying Risk & Situations When Transporting Children
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Identifying Risk & Situations When Transporting Children

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:13 pm
by lilybeth7
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: Child safety
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

Your Question?
Identify a situation in which it might be necessary for an Early Childhood Educator to transport children?

Identify what risk situations could be involved when transporting children?

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
I have managed to answer 4 other questions relating to this topic but was unsure about the questions above. I was thinking an excursion.

Description and Message:

Re: Transporting children

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:58 pm
by Lorina
Yes, you're right an excursion would be a situation where an early childhood educator would need to transport children.

Here is some info that may help:

9.1​Safe transport or a safe walking route is to be organised for excursions.
91.1​In some circumstances where the site of the excursion is close to the school, it will be appropriate for students and their supervisors to walk to the site. The decision to walk should be preceded by a risk assessment and the route should be determined consistent with the objective of ensuring staff and student safety.
9.1.2​Bus, rail and ferry services should be used for school excursions, wherever appropriate.
9.2​Bus and train travel
9.2.1​When hiring buses or coaches for excursions, schools should attempt to hire vehicles with seatbelts wherever practicable and particularly for long distance travel outside urban areas. Seatbelts must be worn on buses and coaches when they are available.
9.2.2    In the case of large vehicles, the number of passengers must not exceed the number that the vehicle is licensed to carry.
9.2.3    When organising an excursion by rail, principals should contact their local railway station concerning excursion concessions and other arrangements.
9.2.4  If students with disabilities are participating in an excursion accessible transport will be required.
9.2.5    Staff planning excursions involving bus and coach travel, including the use of school owned vehicles, should be aware of the national heavy vehicle driver fatigue reform program and its impact on travel time and driver availability.
9.3​Car travel
9.3.1​The transporting of students in the cars of staff members, parents, caregivers, volunteers and other students should only occur in those circumstances where there is no feasible option available to provide alternative transportation. This may only occur under the following conditions:
a) written permission from the parent(s) or caregiver(s) of the student(s) being transported is obtained
b) the driver is licensed and, if issued with a provisional licence, complies with any relevant peer passenger conditions
c) the vehicle is registered
d) the number of passengers in the vehicle does not exceed the number of seatbelts
e) current driver's licence and car registration details are sighted by the school prior to giving permission for students to be transported in the vehicle.

Sourced from: ... proced.doc

The above information are for schools but I'm sure you can some ideas from it...

Hope this helps,


Re: Identifying Risk & Situations When Transporting Children

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:19 pm
by lilybeth7
Thankyou so much. I appreciate your help! :P