Aussie Childcare Network Forum • holistic support activity
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holistic support activity

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:27 pm
by shannon10
Hello:) i am currently trying to answer a question regarding holistic support but i am having trouble thinking of an activity or experience where children were introduced to a new idea or challenge and you shared conversation and scaffolding to assist them?
Any guidance or ideas would be helpful and appreciated! thank you

Re: holistic support activity

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 11:41 pm
by leenie
Don't know if this helps or relates to what you are looking for?

For example in OSHC I have my new kindies and we have complex craft materials and equipment for children to use.
This meets a challenge and shared conversation-as the children will lead you to where they want to go with the craft ( create shared conversation / use in scaffolding anyway) and need to use the unfamiliar equipment to get there.
So I would support them in the use of the new " equipment" for craft that older children use.
Guide-support/teach-demonstrate/allow them to practice etc (scaffold).

Look up Vygotsky's theory for scaffolding.

Simple example: Play dough ( depending on the age of child) introduce items into the play dough [ so a young child you could give a plastic knife rather than just shapes and they can cut it in all sorts of ways- looking at fine motor skills, muscle strength,manipulation, allow for greater creativity etc] as you have shared conversation with the child- allows you to be a facilitator rather than the director, allowing children's agency/ respect to the child. They become the confident and involved learner-
The idea extend learning for the child and it can be in any developmental area/ or mixture of areas.
