Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Greeting Parents and Baby
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Greeting Parents and Baby

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:52 pm
by lilybeth7
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: caring for babies
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

Your Question?
How do I ensure I greet a parent and baby?

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Give your full attention to the child & parent by being prepared. Being prepared means that you have attended to your own needs and organised your room so that you can focus on others. Look parents & children in the eye. Greet children on their eye level. You may need to kneel down to greet toddlers and pre-schoolers. Greet parents by using their name and with a smile. Nothing puts parents more at ease, helps establish a relationship, and says “I’m glad you are here” like a smile.

Description and Message:

Re: Greeting Parents and Baby

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:32 am
by Lorina
Good response!

I would also ask parents how they are, how their child is, anything they would like to share with you...


Re: Greeting Parents and Baby

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:57 am
by lilybeth7
Thankyou :P

Re: Greeting Parents and Baby

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:42 am
by fchaudari76
Just do what you would do with anyone, say hello be friendly, acknowledge both parent & child. Ask if there is any important info you need to know or need to pass on to the teachers if you are not the staff of the baby room. Usually sleep & bottles is an important question to ask about with that age group